Bad day.

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Fortunately, the "old" man was sitting right there, listening yet to another uninteresting story from Liu Su. Aether decided to just silently come up to him and sit there, trying not to interrupt the storytelling. When Zhong Li noticed him, he slightly nodded to greet traveler, then returned his attention back to the restaurant worker talking, meaning that Aether now had to wait until the story ends and then talk to him.

The story to Aether's surprise very interesting, but heartbreaking, it was about two lovers, both being gods, who met each other before the archon war in Dihua Marsh surrounded by the glaze lilies. Both of them fell in love with each other and fought side by side during the Archon War, protecting the land of Liyue with the help of Adepti. Unfortunately, one of them got killed during one of the fights. Surrounded by the glaze lilies she smiled at her lover, while the other held her body in his hands until she was dissolved into the dust.

- And so Glaze Lilies became the symbol of their tragic love story. To this day, these flowers are planted in Liyue Harbor as a memorial for the gentle and smart God of Dust. -Liu Su finally said as the ending to this sad story. The tale touched Aether's heart, the tears started to form in his eyes, but he quickly remembered why he was here for, so he put these emotions aside.

- That is not the end of the story. – Zhongli said thoughtfully. Traveler looked at him waiting for him to continue. – after the death of one God, the land, where their people were living was flooded, forcing them to move to Liyue Harbor, where they live until this day. – Aether finally realized that this story wasn't just an ordinary fairy tale, and the other god from it was sitting right next to him this moment. Not knowing what to say, Aether remained silent and waited for Zhongli to start a conversation. To his surprise, the other one spoke the next second without any trace of sadness in his voice. – So, traveler, what brings you here?

- Oh, yes! I wanted to ask about the recent rumors about the monsters leaving their domains and scaring people with their presence around Liyue. I talked to my friend, and she said that she has witnessed them recently during her journey.

- These indeed aren't just rumors. – Zhongli suddenly grew more serious. – But did not I tell you not to trouble yourself with such things the day you set your feet in Liyue's Port? – he said in such strict tone, that it gave Aether shivers.

- Yes, but this sounds very serious. People are afraid that no one will help them and the Qixing doesn't do anything! – the blonde explained his actions.

- I can assure you, that in this exact moment someone is taking care of this issue. The Qixing remains silent not to scare people more, the person sent is trusted and, most importantly, definitely able to solve the problem with monsters.

- But who is even capable to defeat so many monsters? Judging by the stories, there are more than a dozen of them all around Liyue. My help won't hurt. – Aether grew very impatient because of Zhongli's unwillingness to tell him any details.

- Traveler, listen. I know what happened in Inazuma. – Aether's jaw dropped the second the man finished his sentence, making the unpleasant memories flood over his mind once again. Unconsciously, the blond boy touched the back of his neck, while Zhongli continued. – I am concerned about your state, you still haven't fully recovered both physically and mentally, so I strongly advise you to put your trust in me and not get involved in it. There are many people that worry about you, and, as an important person to them, you should certainly consider taking a rest. – all this time Aether was silently listening to the former Geo Archon, not daring to argue with him on this issue. – don't you agree? – Zhongli was waiting for his response.

- I understand. – Aether said with the said and disappointed expression not leaving his face. – Can you at least tell me the name of the person who is currently investigation the issue? Maybe I know them.

- That is most certainly not necessary. I know it might be difficult for you to stand aside when the help is needed, but sometimes you should just become the silent observer and put your trust in others. – Zhongli stood up, getting ready to leave. – Traveler, I hope you understand my point and agree with it to some degree. It was my pleasure talking to you. – and with that he left, leaving Aether alone at the table of the restaurant without any clue on what to do next.

Disappointed, Aether left the restaurant and went to Katheryne to finally ask her about the commissions. He felt betrayed, of course at first, he wanted to not get involved in anything troublesome, but he couldn't help but feel like it is his responsibility to protect everyone he loves. Even if it costs the blond his vacation, even if it affects his state even further, he did not care. The world that he accidently became a part of was precious for him, precious enough to put his life at stake.

- Ad Astra Abyssosque, Traveler. What are you looking for today? – the usual monotonic voice greeted him.

- Hello, Katheryne, I would like to take some commission left for today.

- Unfortunately, there aren't any commissions for you today.

- What? How so? – Aether did not expect such issue to ever happen to him. Usually there at least 4 requests from people, which weren't difficult to complete, but were enough to keep him occupied for the half of the day.

- I'm sorry, but all the commissions were already taken by the other adventurers. Please come back later. – she said, not explaining basically anything to the blond boy.

- Okay, thank you anyways. – the boy felt anger pouring out of him.

"The day is completely ruined. First Zhongli, then Katheryne, what are they hiding from me?! – Aether quickly left Liyue Harbor, not wanting to spend any more second there. – "A few months ago, they were pretty much begging me to help them and now suddenly no one needs anything from me except for some oblivious citizens?!" – the boy let out the loud groan, making the birds, which were sitting on one of the trees to fly away in fear.

The walk to Wangshu Inn calmed Aether a bit, occupying his thoughts about a one certain Yaksha. Traveler was now thinking on how he should start an unpleasant conversation with Xiao.

"Maybe bringing him Almond Tofu is a nice start. – he thought as he made his way to the kitchen in the Inn. Thankfully, that wasn't the first-time traveler used this dish as a reason to meet up with Xiao, so he knew exactly how to make it to his liking. – "Then I can ask him about his day, though he probably won't say much about it..." – the blond shook his head, while waiting for the dish to be ready. – "C'mon, Aether, it is Xiao, you can trust him, you can tell him everything straight away, without any unnecessary introduction."

The dish was ready, so the boy run with it towards the stairs straight to the balcony, hoping to encounter with the Yaksha there. But, to his unfortune, dark-haired boy wasn't there. Signing, Aether sat down on the floor of the balcony, putting the dish near him.

"Maybe it is too early for him to show up, I should probably wait a bit, he would definitely come. After all, it is his favorite place to rest." – traveler rested his back on the wall, taking deep breaths to calm himself before meeting with Xiao.

A few minutes turned into hours, and the Yaksha has not yet appeared. The sky was already glowing with stars, and moon was right above Aether's head, shining brightly as ever.

"Maybe today he is busy." – Aether looked the dish he prepared with a sad look on his face – maybe it was too naïve of him to continue sitting there waiting for Xiao to appear on the balcony, but the blond did not care. Just thinking about meeting him sent shivers of excitement over his body, and their conversation was the only thing he needed right now after the bad day he had. – "maybe just another couple minutes." – Aether thought, staring at the sky of Liyue. 

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