The bird and the spear.

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- Traveler, where were you for the past couple weeks, we missed you! – Xiangling jumped over Aether's shoulders and smiled brightly seeing the blond arrive to the gate of Liyue Harbor. – You know, we could've used the help of the strong almighty traveler to prepare for the festival! – she let go her arms and rested them on her hips.

- Hi, Xiangling, sorry, I was so busy with all the commissions lately, I nearly forgot about the Lantern Rite. – Aether didn't want to be impolite, but he was in such a hurry right now, that he didn't want to waste any more time in Liyue Harbor. Today in the morning he decided to go to Liyue Harbor and buy the ingredients needed to prepare Almond Tofu. Yesterday, Xiao mentioned that today he will not be able to accompany him to do the commissions because he needed to clear one of the last domains from the monsters. Aether was a little disappointed at first, but then he thought that the sooner the Yaksha would finish his task, the sooner he will ask him an important question that was wondering in his head the past couple days. So, without any second thought the blond decided to travel there in the evening to meet Xiao and, in case the Yaksha would be mad at him for appearing in such dangerous location knowing his condition, Aether decided to make his favorite dish and hand it to him the moment they see each other. Thankfully, there was no doubt about which domain the dark-haired was talking about – the rumors about the terrifying monsters wandering to the North-East of Mt. Aocangwere spreading much faster than the wind.

- Oh my, who do I see here? Traveler. – Aether heard a familiar voice and sighed knowing that now he will have to stay for longer. Beidou walked up to them and petted Aether on the head, making a mess on it. – How've you been? Haven't seen ya in long time!

- Hi Beidou. I was just mentioning how the traveler treacherously abandoned us right before the Lantern Rite! – Xiangling smiled widely, sounding more happy than annoyed or mad.

- That couldn't be true, could it? – Beidou removed her hand from his head, but, as traveler sighed in relief, she patted him hard on his back instead. – Traveler would never forget about us; he just must be very busy right now.

- Thank you, Beidou, I was just saying the same to our friend. – Aether smiled embarrassingly. – So, any specific plans for the festival? – he decided to switch the topic to avoid being persuaded to stay for longer and help to decorate the city.

- You know me, it's always better to sail in the sea than to stay on the land! – She laughed loudly, making everyone smile in response. – But to be honest, I have some special plans with our most beloved Tianquan, that is, if she won't be buried in work again.

- Captain Beidou, the crew is ready! – the young man shouted from afar, making the captain turn her head and smile widely.

- Coming! – she screamed so loudly in response, that for a split-second Aether thought he'll go deaf. – I'll be off, still need to travel to Inazuma for some extra fireworks for Lantern Rite. See ya! – the woman was about to run away, but Xiangling grabbed her hand and stopped her.

- Beidou, wait, you forgot about the dishes Pa and I have prepared for your crew! – she hurriedly pushed the oblivious Captain to the other direction. – Good luck, Traveler. Hope to see you during the Lantern Rite!

- Have fun! – Aether responded to both of them, waving his hand.

"Seems like everyone is in a hurry today." – he smiled to his own thoughts, then his eyes widened. – "Right! Almond Tofu!" – the blond started running to buy the ingredients. There was still plenty of time – the sun was only halfway through the sky, but Aether wanted to make the dish as perfectly as ever, so he decided to save some time before the evening to practice a little.

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