Chapter 8: Sick day

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Ronni's POV:

I woke up to the sound of angry whispers.

"You cannot do that to our boy. You already moved him across the country. Give him a break." I heard my mom say.

"Betty, I've had enough. We'll talk about this later. I'm going to work." I heard my dad not so quietly slam the front door.

I pulled my pillow over my head and groaned.

"Please don't let this be a bad day." I pleaded into my pillow.

There was a knock at my door and my mom came in.

"Ronni, honey, time to get up."

I slid my pillow off my face.

"Do I have to go mom?" I sounded like a child but I didn't care.

"Do you feel sick? Are you okay?" My mother looked at me concerned.

"I don't feel good."

She walked into my bathroom and came back with a thermometer. She put it in my mouth and felt my forehead.

"Where do you feel sick?"

"Im my 'ead." I said. I've always thought it was funny how you talked with a thermometer.

She took it out and checked it.

"It doesn't look like you have a fever." She said.

"Maybe it's a head cold." I offer. Knowing good and well it wasn't.

"Hmm. You really feel sick?" Mom asked.


"Alright. If you're not feeling well you can stay home. But you have to promise me you'll study ahead for tomorrow. I don't want you falling behind."

"Okay mom. I'll study ahead." I promised.

"Don't over do it. I love you honey." She kissed my forehead. "I'll be back around 4."

She leaves my room and closes the door.

I sit up. Mom and dad would both be at work. I have at least 7 hours to snoop around and figure out what's going on with my parents.

I get out of bed and get dressed in something comfortable.

I wondered into the kitchen for breakfast and found a torn up note in the floor.

I pick it up and stuff the pieces into my pocket. I look around checking for anything else.

"Nothing." I sighed.

I poured myself a bowl of cereal and started eating.

When I was done I took my bowl to the sink. It was stacked with the other breakfast dishes.

I cocked my head.

"Dad always does the dishes so mom doesn't have to." I mumble. But I then remembered the way he had left this morning.

I shake my head and clean the dishes.

Once they were done I headed back to my room to figure out the note I found.

Brooklyn's POV:

I had spent all my time between classes looking for Ronni. I couldn't find him anywhere.

At lunch I sat with Julius again. Still no Ronni.

"Hey Julius, do you know where sunshine is?" I ask.

He raised his eyebrow at me.


I nodded.

He was about to say something when Gerry came over.

"Julius have you seen sunshine? He blew off Alan, Petey and me last night."

Julius sighed.

"No. I don't know where sunshine is. Why is everyone askin' me? Why should I know?"

Alan came over too.

"Maybe because you were talking to him last?"

"Man, all I said was 'see ya later'. I ain't have nothin' to do with ya plans." Julius huffed.

"Alright. Sorry Julius." Gerry apologized.

"Thank you."

I try to talk about something else.

"That history test was killer." I say to Alan.

He nods and swallows.

"I'm pretty sure I failed." He said.

"I think you did fine." I reassure him.

Julius looks at me confused.

"Brookie, you're the queen of history. You thought it was bad?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Tons of questions and they were so vague."

Julius looks at Alan sympathetically.

"Sorry man. You did fail."

Alan's face drops.

"You really think so?"

"Man, Brookie thinks it was hard and that's her best subject."

"Hey now." I interrupt. "I saw part of Alan's test and it looked right to me. He probably passed just fine."

"Whateva man. Keep your fingers crossed." Julius said and went back to eating.

The guys at the table start chattering away. But all I can think about is what happened to Ronni?

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