Chapter 9: The truth is painful

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So sorry for not posting in a while. I had surgery a few days ago.
I won't be very active for the next few days. Thank you for your patience! <3

Ronni's POV:

I sat at my desk with the pieces of the note laid out in front of me.

I had been staring at it for the past ten minutes. I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"C'mon Ronni. It's just a puzzle. Put it together."

I take a breath and pick up a corner.

I don't try to read it as I go, I was just trying to put it all together.

I slid the last piece into place and my heart dropped.

You're going back to California and will be staying with your grandparents. Your mom will come out to meet you at the end of the month.
You will get to go back to your old school and see everyone you say you miss.
Colonel Bass

I can't believe this. My dad wants to send me back to California. He's not going to move on it either, he signed it as colonel, there would be no hope.

I leaned back in my chair.

"That's what mom meant when she said he can't do that." I run my hands through my hair.

"Oh God, please help me." I said looking up. I wasn't a religious person, but the only one that could help me now was God.

I looked at my clock.

2:17 pm.

Less than two hours until my mom got home.

I stood.

"Now may be the only time I can snoop in their room." I said walking out the door.

I look both ways before I enter my parents room. I slip in and close the door behind me.

I scan the room. Everything looks ordinary.

I head to the dresser and crouch down, carefully looking through every drawer.

"Nothing." I sit back on my heals.

I wasn't sure what I was looking for. A journal, a file with plans inside, anything at all.

I got back up and checked the bedside tables.

"Still nothing." I said chewing on my lip. It was a bad habit I developed when I was thinking.

I lifted up the mattress and saw the beautiful sight of a notebook.

I hurry and grab it.

I once again looked around before opening it.

It was my dads.

The first entry was from 1967. I started reading.

I took Ronni to a football game today, he said he wanted to be a football player and Betty was furious with me.
She said it was far too dangerous and she wouldn't let her son play.

"Mom didn't want me to play?" I whisper.

She had always been my biggest supporter.

1968 October 28
Ronni turned 13 today and I got him a football. He had been asking for one for over six months. He loved it and we played for hours. He has the making of a professional.

1968 October 29
Betty took Ronni's football, slashed it, and threw it away. He was crushed when he discovered it was lost.
Betty and I fought and the only result was she decided to go to her mothers house for the night.

"Sh-she took my football?" I couldn't believe what I had read.

How could she do such a thing. My mother was the sweetest lady on the planet.

I flip to the most recent entry.

1971 October 12
I finalized Ronni's trip back to California yesterday and today I talked to Marcus about divorce papers and child custody.
I want more than anything to keep Ronni but his mother will probably win custody. Even if she does win I hope Ronni will stay with me when he turns 18.
Betty wants us to stay together until he's
18. But we can't keep doing this. Ronni needs to know and Betty and I should be able to be happy.

I quickly shut the journal and put it away just where I found it.

My breathing was uneven and I was shaking.

"My parents are going to divorce. They've wanted to for years." Everything seems to spin. "I gotta get out."

I got up and made my way outside. I don't know where I'm going but I just walk.

I wind up at the football field. I went to the center of the field and lay down.

Looking up at the sky I feel tears well up in my eyes.

"Man up Ronni. It's not the end of the world." I try and blink them away. "Just the end of my world."

I let the tears fall.

I silently cried laying in my favorite place. My sanctuary.

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