chapter 5

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^^^still 3rd person P.O.V^^^

Casey felt her blood run cold.

"What..what did you say?" She choked out.

"I wanna know who im talking to" the man said, trying to switch up what he said, yet.. As he said those words... Casey heard her neighbors dog start to bark.

"Thats..thats not what you said" Casey said, her eyes wide in fear as she eyed her front door.

"What do you think I said?" The voice asked, slightly getting aggressive.

Casey turned to her patio door and turned on the light, her nervous eyes looking all around the back yard, yet she didnt see anything or anyone.

"What?...hello?" The man asked, seeing how Casey had gotten so... Quiet..

"Look...i gotta go.." Casey said her voice shaking as she turned off the light.

"Wait! I thought we were gonna go out?" The voice said with a whine.

"Uh nah..i dont think so" Casey muttered as she locked the patio door.

"Don't hang up on me!" The man voice growled out as Casey hung up the phone...

The smell of burning popcorn and metal started to swirl around the kitchen as Casey walked out from the patio. Her movements were unsteady and she still felt scared.

Casey held the phone in her hand as she walked back to the kitchen..then...the phone vibrated in her hand and the now eerie ringing rung around her hazy mind.

Casey closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath. "Shit.." She muttered. A thought crossed her mind that maybe, hopefully.. It would be Steve or Y/n calling her..

"Yes?" She asked, her voice quiet.

"I told you not to hang up on me" the taunting male said.

"What do you want?!" Casey hissed out, growing irritated and scared.

"To talk" the male purred out.

"Well.. Dial someone else okay?!" Casey yelled, raising her voice and throwing her arm up slightly before hanging up.

Casey sped up her walking, gripping the phone tightly in her hand.

Casey sped walked closer and closer to the kitchen, hearing the popcorn burn and sizzle.

Casey went to grab the sizzling popcorn off the stove but the phone rang again.


Casey started but she was cut off.

"Cas what the hell?" Y/n said over the phone.

Casey felt a weight be lifted off of her shoulders as she heard Y/ns soft voice.

"Oh Y/n im so sorry! Theres been this guy calling me all night and at first it was fine till he said he was watching me..." Casry whispered as her eyes trailed up from the popcorn and around her house as she felt eyes on her.

"Oh shit...well im like....20 minutes away..just ignore the man who's calling you...okay? Everything will be okay Cas... I promise" Y/n said.

Even though Casey couldn't see Y/n, she knew that Y/n had a soft smile on her face, the same smile she'd always do when she was comforting someone.

"Okay..just please hurry up" "Okay I will..bye bye love ya Cas" "love you too..."
Then..the phone hung up.

Casey let out a sigh as she rubbed her eyes and let them fall back onto the popcorn that was smoking... But... Her attention was soin again averted back to the phone that again.. Rung in her hands.

"Hello?" Casey said, worried it was the man.

"You listen here you little bitch! You hang up again and ill gut you like a fish! Understand?!" The violent, aggressive male voice rang through the phone.

Casey felt all the color leave her body as she heard his words...

"Yeahh" he said, drawing out his words with a snarky laugh.

"Is this...some kind of joke?" Casey said as her throat tightened and tears built up in her eyes.

"More of really" the voice said, the words spilling from his lips like butter.

"Can you handle that?" He purred, taunting Casey almost.

"Blondie?" He added.

Casey felt her breathing labor slightly...she knew...100% now..that..somone was watching her...

Casey's flight or fight sences kicked into hyperactive as she started rushing through her house, her clammy hands fumbling to lock the doors and windows to her house.

Casey fumbled and almost fell to the ground as she locked her front door then stood on her tippy toes and looked out the windows on the door. Hoping to see Y/ns car pull up in the driveway...but she saw nothing..

"Can you see me?" The voice whispered.

Caseys eyes shot around, analyzing everything around, yet still, she saw no sign of any human life.

Her breathing was labored as she spoke "Listen, i am two seconds away from calling the police" she hissed out.

"They'd never make it in time..were out in the middle of no where" he said with a deep chuckle. The man knew that if he could eliminate Casey...then would destroy Y/ would mentally fuck with the point... She wouldnt get in the way..

"What do you want?" Casey cried.

"To see what your insides look it!" The man yelled out so loudly it made the phone sound like static.

Casey pushed a button and hung up the phone. Her fave scrunched up as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Please..y/n...hurry up" Casey said to herself as she stumbled slightly.

Then..the door bell rang three times and Casey let out a small scream before her hand shot up and covered her mouth.

"Wh...whos there?!" She screeched with a voice crack. She prayed that it was Y/n or Steve...but she knew in the back of her mind..that it wasnt...

"Im calling the police!" She cried out as she grabbed the phone again, but once she did, it violently rung in her hands, making her nearly jump out of her skin.

She answered the phone and slowly pressed it to her ear.

"You should never say "whos there!" Its a death wish! Dont you watch Scary movies?" The man taunted Casey... Yet all she could do at this point was either fight...or die...

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