Chapter 1

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The four of them looked at each other, Trey turning to Liam after a moment of silence. 'You know what Liam, you're right. Your brother's a damn cheater.' He told him, hoping Liam would get the gist and play along.

'Yeah, you know, he-he's probably gonna do that thing-'

'Right, that thing where he's waiting, and then he's just gonna blow past us, right?'

'Yeah, yeah. He's just messing with us, Stella.' Liam replied as he looked at his niece.

'But the winner takes the hat, right?' Stella questioned.

'And you guys are here, so...' Maddie's voice trailed off.

'Don't even worry about it,' Trey assured them as he turned to leave, motioning for Liam to go with him. 'because I'm still gonna win this thing fair and square.'

'Yeah.' Liam agreed as he started after them.

Maddie watched them leave then gathered up Dakota's reins and cued the mare to turn around. 'I'm going with them.' She told Stella, the mare transitioning into a canter at her cue before her sister could reply.

Stella looked down at the hat in her hands then back up at Maddie as her sister rode after Uncle Liam and Trey, horse and rider disappearing from view around the corner. With a worried expression written on her face she started back to the house, skipping up the front stairs two at a time.

The sound of August playing on the piano greeted her as she walked in, heading for the kitchen to look for her grandmother.

'Your Dad back yet?' Abeline questioned as she saw Stella, walking into the room with another box tucked beneath her arm. Being so busy working on getting the house decorated and ready for the graduation party that was to take place later that night she didn't notice the look on her granddaughter's face or Stella's attempt to speak with her. 'I need help moving that table outside, and I'm not asking your grandfather.' She said as she placed the box onto the island bench, turning back to Stella for a moment. 'And please don't tell him I'm not asking him. He'll make it a thing.' Going to one of the cupboards she opened it up, taking a moment to look at what was inside. 'Ugh. Am I losing my mind? I thought I used to put the vases up here. I know I unpacked them...'

Seeing that her grandmother was much too frazzled to allow her a chance to get a word in edgewise, Stella headed out into the hallway.

'Hey, do you know who all's coming later?' August asked as he stopped playing when his sister joined him at the piano. 'I know it's like, your party and all, it's all about you...'

'It's not all about me.' She interrupted, fiddling anxiously with Cordell's hat in her hands.

'Okay, well, I'm actually really glad you said that 'cause I am hoping it's a little about me-''

'Augie...' Stella spoke up, her brother turning to look back at her with the tone she used. 'I think something's wrong.'


Liam and Trey jogged back down the path they had just come down, retracing their steps in an attempt to find Cordell. Once they were off the driveway and back onto the track heading through some shrubbery and stuff they slowed to a walk to take a moment to catch their breath.

'You know he didn't take a different way home, right?' Liam questioned as he took a look around as they walked down the track, trying to spot anything that was out of the ordinary.

'Of course I know that.' Liam replied. 'I didn't... Didn't want to freak Stella and Maddie out.'

'Yeah, well, I think it might be too late for that.' Trey pointed out, he too searching the surrounding landscape for any sign of Cordell.

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