Chapter 21

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Hi all,
I am so sorry for the radio silence since my last update. Without going into details, life isn't the best atm and I just haven't had the chance to continue writing/uploading at this point in time. I don't know when I'll be updating next but I will be back when I can.



At the sound of a knock on his door, Captain James looked up from his paperwork to see Trey and his mother standing in the doorway. 'Hey. Come on in...' He invited, closing the file up he'd been going through.


'How's Austin treating you, Keesha?' He questioned as he stood to greet her.

'Oh, hot as hell, just like home.' She replied as she shook his hand.

'Yeah, you're not, you're not wrong.' Captain James agreed, motioning to the chairs in front of his desk. 'Have a seat.'

'Thank you.'


'What's up, Cap?' Trey questioned, taking a seat beside his mom.

'When I was first coming up, there was this brother named Willy Lamb. He was like, you know, old-school cool, tough as nails, one of only a few Black Rangers. He was stationed up north. When I got my star, he drove through the night just to see them pin it on me,' Pulling a box out of one of the drawers behind him, he returned to his desk and held it out to Trey. 'and he gave me this.'

With a look of surprise, Trey took the box and took the lid off, looking at the item inside as he placed the lid down on the desk. Gently he took the leather shoulder holster out of the box, seeing three sets of initials stamped into the leather. W.L, L.J, and his, T.B. 'Cap...' He shook his head, at a loss for words.

'Willy had it made to kind of set himself apart, not that he needed any help doing that, but it was his way of saying, "I'm one of you, I'm here. You know? I ain't going anywhere."

'Thank you. I mean, this, this is just...' He didn't know what to say. 'Wow.'

'Hey, you earned your spot, man. This is just a little something to remind you that there's more to it than the day-to-day, you know?'

'Yeah. Yeah. There's history.'

'That's right, a legacy.' Captain James added. 'One that you're a part of and one that I know you're going to live up to.'

Trey nodded. 'Yes, sir.'


'Well, lookie here.' Stan remarked as he was escorted into the room by one of the correctional center officers, the officer removing his handcuffs before motioning for him to sit at the table. 'Madeline Stanton.' He said, looking at the teen as he sat down. 'Long time, no see. To what do I owe the pleasure?'

Maddie folded her arms across her chest, the photograph she'd borrowed from Rose sitting facedown on the table in front of her. 'Mr. Morrison, believe me, it has not been long enough.' She replied coldly, memories of that night coming back to her as she glared at the murderer in front of her. How he had kidnapped her, taken Cordell, organized to have her father killed... No, get back on track. She told herself, forcing herself to swallow back her hate for the man. She needed answers to questions that she had and he was the only one who could give them to her. 'I'm not here for a social call so let's get down to business.'

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