Chapter 6

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M for violence, references of torture. Mental torture.

August walked by Stella's room later that afternoon, raising an eyebrow as he saw the mess she'd created. He stopped in the doorway as she started looking through her closet, tossing clothes down onto the floor in her search. A moment later she started going through her drawers again and he walked over to her. 'Stel, what's uh... What's going on in here?'

'Hey, do you have any money?' She questioned as she kept looking through her drawers.

August frowned. 'Why?'

'I just need it.' Stella said loudly, frustration able to be heard in her voice. 'Can you go get it?'

'Okay.' He looked out into the hallway to make sure that no one was there to hear their conversation and closed the door behind himself before he turned back to his sister. 'You trashed your room, you're yelling at me, which for you is not normal at all, and you're asking for money. That sounds like something I should go tell Mawline.'

'No. Don't.' She replied firmly as she slammed another drawer closed then turned to her brother. 'I think I can find Dad. And Uncle Liam and Maddie.'

'How?' He questioned with a raised eyebrow.

'A woman called the Ranger station, and I'm going to meet her.'

'Okay, I-I'm-I'm coming with you.'

'No, you aren't-'

'Yes, I am.' August insisted, cutting her off. 'Stella, we just went through this, okay? And we're both sick of it. So,' He paused for a moment. 'if this is something that's gonna help find Dad, Uncle Liam and Maddie, we're doing it together.'

'Alright. Alright.' Stella let out a huge sigh, stepping closer to her brother. 'Maddie still has her prize money from the Mustang Makeover, right? Do you know where she keeps it?'

After thinking about it for a second he nodded. 'It's in the bottom drawer of her bedside table.'

'Good.' She thought for a moment, the makings of a plan coming together. 'Alright. Here's what we're gonna do...'


The blindfold was taken off as Cordell was sat down in a chair, Sean turning to look at him after a moment.

'Please eat.' Sean offered, motioning to the plate of food set down on the table in front of him. 'Eat.'

'Thank you. But I'm stuffed.' Cordell replied, returning the lid to the plate with a loud clang. He glared at Sean. 'What do you want?'

Sean lent against the back of his chair across the table from him, looking down at the ranger. 'We could really use a guy like you. I mean, an ally with the Texas Rangers...'

'So-so what? So I can end up like Captain Cole?' He scoffed. 'Scared into swallowing cyanide?'

'Fenton Cole was a disappointment. You are different. You are a man who, when he sees a problem, he takes care of it. Just look at all of the corruption that you have personally stopped.' He continued as he began flipping through a thick file. 'D.A. McLawson, Commissioner Stan Morrison, D.A. Davidson.'

Cordell looked at the file for a moment then back up at Sean. 'So clearly you have enough reach to have done your opposition research on me. So tell me, what in that big old file of yours makes you think that I'll turn?'

Sean chuckled. 'Because you are, as your former partner described, "edge of the coin Cordell Walker." A man not afraid to make the hard choice.'

'So what's the hard choice here? Blowing it all up?' He paused as Sean came around the table to stand near him. 'Okay, I'll give it to you. There are some flaws in the system, but there are good people making strides to fill those cracks.'

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