Chapter 22

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Yes, I'm alive!
I'm also very much aware that we are in August and this story hasn't had an update since May 🤦‍♀️.
My sincerest apologies guys.
Life has been extremely crazy atm and tbh, this story has been the furthest thing from my mind.
Between studying, life and a horse who tried to kill herself a couple weeks back (both back legs trapped in a solid metal gate) I haven't had a chance to think about this story let alone touch it.


saver_of_the_world wrote a comment on my page recently which reminded me I really had to give this some tlc, so here I am.

Don't know when I'll be updating again, I have 6 units of work (12 LONG assessments worth) of work to get done to finish this diploma by the end of the year so I'm not going to have much time for anything else.

BTW, despite my mares best efforts, she seems fine though having given me an extra hour of chores daily since she is currently on stall rest 🤦‍♀️ and I much prefer horses being out in the paddock where you don't have to clean up after them!
Anyway, enjoy.
And don't forget to comment!


A sister.

She had a sister.

Maddie sat alone beneath one of the lights in the car park later that night, looking at the photograph of Rose with her parents. Somehow, it still didn’t feel real. It hadn’t quite sunk in yet fully that she had a sister. 

She had a sister! 

Looking at the picture, she ran her fingers over the glass of the photo frame. Her father looked happy, actually looked happy for the first time she’d ever seen. Looking at this photo now, she was reminded of the time she’d found the stash of photos hidden back in the rental house she’d shared with him when he’d been around. Had it really been almost two years now since she’d moved to Austin? Come February, it would be. So much had happened during that time it felt like only yesterday she’d met Abeline for the first time, covered in dirt from working in the garden. 

What was your story? She wondered, looking at her father. Why were you the way that you were?

Now, she’d never know the answers to those questions. His secrets had died along with him. 

Complicated is right. You were a real piece of work. 

‘You okay?’ Mika questioned, Maddie looking up as she came out to join her. ‘It’s getting cold out here. Why don’t we head inside?’

‘I’m fine. Stella won’t be much longer anyway. She said she’s on her way.’

With a nod, she sat down on the bench beside her chair. ‘Still thinking about what you found out today?’

‘Yeah… I think it’s gonna take a while for it to sink in.’

‘How did your father have another child anyway? I mean, you’ve never spoken about your past before you were adopted. You’ve told me your mother died and you went into foster homes for a time till your father found you but that’s all you’ve said.’

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