Chapter 4

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*TW for implied sexual assault* *(inappropriate touching)*

One of the men unlocked the door and opened it, Cordell only being able to stand helplessly and watch as they dragged Liam into the cell with him and dumped his brother unceremoniously onto the concrete floor, Maddie being tossed down beside him a moment later. 'Liam. Liam-'

'Dad!' Maddie's voice broke as she reached up for him, Cordell kneeling down beside her as the men locked the cage again. 'Dad...'

Cordell took her in his arms, holding onto her tight as he looked down at his brother lying motionless just out of his reach. 'It's okay... It's okay... Ssshhh...' He glared at the backs of the retreating men as he held his daughter tight, the door being slammed shut and darkness falling in the room as the light was turned off once more. How dare they touch his brother or daughter... 'Liam!'

'They-they drugged him with something.' She replied as she let her father go, looking between her father and her uncle for a moment. She just wanted to stay in his arms but her uncle needed help... Seeing the chain tethering her father to that side of the cage she knew he wouldn't be able to reach him. 'I-I don't- I don't know what it was.'

He nodded, digesting that information. It had to be the same substance they'd drugged him with too when they'd taken him. 'Liam, Liam-'

As her father's efforts to rouse him proved fruitless, Maddie dragged herself closer over to her uncle and placed her hand on his shoulder, shaking him gently. 'Come on Uncle Liam. Wake up. Come on.'

'Liam.' Desperation was heard in Cordell's voice as he too tried to encourage Liam to respond. 'Liam!'

Liam's eyelids fluttered for a moment and Maddie again shook him, this time her uncle waking up with a start. 'It's okay, hey, hey, hey.'

Cordell had moved over as close to them as the chain would allow. 'Liam, Liam! Look, look at me. Take it easy. Take it easy. No, no, no... don't move.'

'I'm fine.' Liam insisted as he sat up, his niece trying to help where she could. He shook his head for a moment, trying to clear his senses and get control of his bearings. What had happened... 'I'm fine, I'm fine, Cord. Hey. I'm fine.'

He nodded then took a moment to look at the pair of them, Liam resting against his daughter. 'Okay, what happened? Wh-Wh-Why are you here?'

'They f--' Liam started. 'they found us.'

'They-they found you?'

'They were waiting for us.' Maddie started softly, struggling to keep her voice even. 'We-we were leaving the hospital when they came...'

As Liam pushed Maddie in her chair out of the elevator and into the deserted parking lot, a white van came screeching around the corner and pulled up in front of them. Four masked men dressed completely in black jumped out before either they or the policeman with them could do anything. Two of them went straight for Liam, another for the girl and the fourth and largest guy went for the policeman. Maddie screamed as the guy grabbed her and wrapped a gloved hand around her mouth to silence her, only able to watch her uncle being beaten up, unable to do anything. She fought as the man picked her up from her chair but it was fruitless, the man carrying her despite her efforts to the open door of the van.

As she fought him she didn't notice when her necklace got caught on her IV line in the back of her hand, neither did she notice when the clasp broke, letting it fall to the ground as she was tossed into the van.

The guy fighting with the policeman had him in a headlock, a sickening crack resounding as he broke the man's neck and the policeman fell limp to the ground while Maddie screamed. Another man in the back of the van came up behind her, again holding his hand over her mouth to keep her quiet.

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