Chapter 7

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Hi all,

Update time!

I'm not sure when I will be updating again, things haven't been great for me lately. I've been quite ill the past two months with my health problems and last week I had to go in to have bloods done to see what's going on. Fast forward to today, I get a call requesting for me to go in to see the doctor about my results... Slightly stressing but hoping that it's nothing too serious. I already have enough health problems, I sure as hell don't need more! If anyone wants to say a couple prayers/send good vibes, I'd be appreciative. Living with autoimmune diseases and stuff is hard at the best of times and it sure doesn't help my mental health. So yeah, being totally honest right now, things suck in my world currently! I haven't even been able to ride my horses since back in November and its really getting me down that I just can't do things I normally could right now.

Anyway, this is why I mightn't upload for a couple weeks. Depending on my results I might need some time to myself for a little while and don't want to feel pressured to update. I hope you all understand. I'm not going anywhere, I will update when I'm in the headspace to be able to deal with this. I'll still be trying to write and work on further chapters in this story in the meantime but some days I don't even have the energy to work on my writing so that is why I'm going to stick to a weekly update schedule when I return. What day would y'all want me to update on? Friday (which for those of you not in Australia would be a Thursday) since it's Walker day or some other day? Let me know what you all think and I'll decide from there what day I'll upload on.

This chapter wraps up this particular story-line so I feel its a good place for us to have a little hiatus anyway. The next chapter will pick up where Rubber Meets The Road and boy, have we got one hell of a ride in store. I promise the wait will be worth it.

Also, I just realized that there is an important item in here I never thought to mention in previous chapters lol (Twine. You'll understand soon) but for those of you wondering, Maddie always carries twine on her in her jeans pocket. It's just a force of habit for her (and me. There are so many uses for twine like catching horses, fixing fences... I digress, let's get back to business) and so, that's where that comes from. I also wanted to give her a chance to have a moment where she can do something about their situation since she's been helpless the whole time. My girl needs a win! Just one win! Anyway, hope y'all don't think its too 'out there' with this tiny little subplot.

As all ways, I love to read your comments so please, let me know what you think.

Let's get into it!


*Rated M for mentions of kidnapping, torture, violence, sexual assault (touching), mention of rape threat*

Sunday morning dawned, the Texas Rangers descending upon the residence of the journalist that Miles had spoken to Cassie about. The clock was ticking, they all knew that. They had to find something to lead them to Cordell, Liam and Maddie and they had to find it soon.

Captain James and Cassie led the charge into the house, guns drawn as the door was forced open. The Rangers filed into the house and began to sweep it, Cassie making her way through the house. She stopped when she came to a room that appeared like an office, a large whiteboard covered in photographs, notes and strings catching her eye.

'What do we got?' Captain James's voice rang out. 'We clear?'

'All clear.' Cassie reported, holstering her weapon as other Rangers confirmed that the building was clear.

'You find anything?' He questioned as came into the room where she was.

'Not yet.' She turned to him then motioned to the whiteboard behind her. 'Except that.'

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