Chapter 19

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Hi all,
Yeah, it's me.

The writer who hasn't been updating regularly...

Anyway, my apologies for the lack of regular updates the past couple months. Things have been crazy, I've been sick and other stuff has happened so writing and updating my stores hasn't been high on my list of priorities.

But.... I'm back!

I'm hoping to update weekly, we'll just have to wait and see how we go. Anyway, to make it up to y'all, here's an almost 8k long chapter.

From here on, things start heating up.

No major spoilers but we have a plot twist coming that none of you would have ever expected. *winks*

Anyway, enjoy and please, don't forget to vote and comment!

If y'all want regular updates I need some encouragement to keep writing! I've been having a hard time lately with just not feeling like working on this story, I need to get my inclination back and y'all can help by dropping those comments.

(Even if it's just to say ya missed me 😉)



'You know, guys...' Stella started as she came out of the kitchen, carrying another box filled with supplies out to the bar where her father, Aunt Geri, August and Maddie were helping to make sandwiches. It was Thursday a couple weeks later, the day before homecoming at Sacred Heart and with the clock ticking, they needed to get the food organized for the Side Step van that would be there tomorrow. 'the homecoming sandwich station did not used to feel so involved.'

'It's probably because you're just used to doing the eating part.' Geri pointed out. 'The prep takes a little longer.'

'Well, in her defense, the eating part is the best part.' Cordell added as Stella placed the box down on the bar and he looked over at Maddie. 'How's that cheese coming along?'

'I'm gettin there Dad.' She replied, adding another slice she'd cut from the block to the pile. Patience.'

'Well, chop, chop, we don't have all day. Some of us would like to get home before we're old and gray.'

Maddie chuckled at his teasing. 'For some of us, that day is gonna come sooner rather than later.' She said, elbowing him in the ribs.

'Oh, ouch.' Geri laughed. 'She's got you there Cordi.'

'Yeah, yeah.' He brushed it off. 'So ah... Augie. How's school been going?'

'Well, while we're on the topic of HC...' August started in response to his father's question. 'After two years, it's kinda tiring feeling like you're living in your sister's shadow.'

'They're big shoes to fill,' Stella commented, trying to be both serious and funny at the same time. 'I know.'

Maddie chuckled at that. 'Big, big shoes to fill. What size was it again that you wear? Nine and a half? Ten?'

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