Chapter Five ~ Tension

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  • Dedicated to Jake Doobay

hey chicas and chicos!

I'm sorry for the late upload- writer's block :(

 please comment and vote as i'm not sure if you guys are actually interested anymore. State if you're Team Renata or Team Gianna / Team Creed or Team Justice below! :D

Happy Reading




The sunlight peeped through my eyelids, awakening me from my peaceful slumber. I had just had the most wonderful dream of Justice and I going on a vacation in Monaco and trust me- it was as perfect as perfect can get. With a sigh, I opened my eyes, wiggled my nose and proceeded to stretch all of my limbs as I did every morning. I scuttled out of bed with a smile and floated toward my wardrobe.

A delicious scent of rosemary and leather wafted through the room and into my heightened senses as I looked for the perfect outfit to wear. ‘We have to look presentable for our mate!’ my wolf chirped happily. The last couple of days had been just like what everyone says finding your mate is like- absolute bliss. Picking out a yellow and green floral sundress, a brown cardigan and matching wedges I turned to lay them on my bed before I took a shower. ‘Mom must have found a new detergent…’I noted, breathing in appreciatively. The aroma was mouth-watering and it was becoming more distinctive as each second passed.

“Good Morning,” found myself face to face with Justice whose morning voice was quite enticing- by the way…

“Oh! You scared me for a second,” I blushed under his gaze.

“Awww…I’m sorry,” he smirked in amusement as he surveyed my face and then held me close while I took full advantage of the moment and used it to bury my face in his chest and inhale deeply.

“Did you want something?” I asked curiously, my voice muffled against the soft snowy cotton.

 “I was up early and well…” He looked down at the floor and blushed in embarrassment “…I just was really eager to see you…I’m sorry, I crossed the line.”

He quickly let go and ran his hand through his hair stressfully. Glancing at me once more and sighing, he then turned to go out the door, a frustrated look on his face. ‘What did I do?’ I thought alarmingly. Looking at my reflection in the mirror and realising I looked decent for just getting out of bed I raced after him and pulled his arm.

“Where are you going Justice? Did I say something?”

“Nothing…I just…I’m going downstairs, I’ll meet you in the kitchen,” he said in an odd voice. Turning his profile slightly towards me I saw his adam’s apple bob. ‘He doesn’t want…’ my wolf started. ‘-Don’t!’ I cut her off but it was too late, I realised the issue…it was me. It was my worst nightmare. I had heard about a mate getting rejected and I always assumed they deserved it…now it was going to happen to me.

“Do I look that bad?” I spoke quietly. I dropped his hand and looked away from him as I struggled to not let the tears fall. ‘I knew it was too good to be true, he’s seen you without makeup and changed his mind….who where you kidding girl, just look at him! He’s way out of your league’


She looked delectable in her fuzzy pink shorts and matching pyjama tee. My heart sped up probably five times its normal rate. ‘If she looks like this now…imagine her nak-‘ I shut my wolf out because we both knew exactly which road he was going to go down and I already  was having enough of a hard time controlling myself from picking her up and locking both of us in my room.

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