Chapter Thirteen - All You'll Ever Be Is Mean (Part III)

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Hey Marshmallow Puffs ^_^

Thanks for your patience and support. This week I'm dedicating the chapter to a devoted reader who has helped me gain confidence and dedication to continue writing this story. I hope you all enjoy. Welcome to Silvermoon's :)




After recovering from their shock, the faster species caught up with me. Once the path in the woods changed to one that was tiled with glossy stone, I felt a large hand hold mine in its warm grasp. I flinched but after realising it was Creed, I simply raised a curious eyebrow.

"We still have to pretend you're my mate, Rena," He said quietly, keeping his head straight in the direction of travel.

"Oh,right," I replied. 'Does he feel hurt that I responded so coldly?' I felt my face warm with embarrassment and prayed that my melanin-rich skin didn't give my foolishness away. I took in the sprawling school grounds, there was so much to look at and i felt quite child-like. The other students just walked around as if having a school as immaculate as a modern palace was the norm. Gia and I knew otherwise. 

'Speaking of Gianna...' I looked around curiously, only to find her exactly where she should have been, just behind us, hand in hand with Justice. Her lack of unending chatter was starting to worry me.

"You think Gia's okay?" I barely whispered to Creed, knowing now his sensitive ears could pick up pretty much anything. I always thought my family was extremely loud, know I've realised they only spoke that way because they couldn't gauge how loud they'd have to talk for me to hear.

"She's nervous...but I'm sure she's talking, we just can't hear her...thank God," He replied with a boyish smirk.

'Oooo...mind-converstation-thingys, I must remember that' 


"You need to stop worrying about her, it may not be what you're used to but she's not on an even keel with you anymore," He said in a pensive voice, looking over at me apologetically.

I stopped and looked up at him in confusion until it hit me. 'She was always going to come's me who is the odd one...' 



'She always mothers Gianna.' I tightened my jaw, took a deep breath and released the tension. 'Then she gets angry when Gia acts so immature!' Gia didn't need us anymore, she has a mate to take care of her. I knew it would probably be tricky in the beginning of any relationship that has to do with Gianna, but my sister didn't understand the importance of letting the mate partnership dynamic figure itself out. 

'How could she?...she isn't a werewolf...'  I led the group across the west entrance into the building. Renata meant well, but she is getting in Justice's way and the last thing i needed was Justice to get fed up and lash out at anyone who he feels is threatening his relationship with his mate...

'I knew this was going to be an issue from the moment it came out of Papa's mouth...' I cringed on the inside. How am I going to pretend to be mated to someone who isn't my mate? How the hell am I going to pretend to be mated to someone who has no clue what it is like to be a mate? I looked over  -well, down really - at Renata, who has begun to gnaw on the corner of her lip.

 "You need to stop worrying about her, it may not be what you're used to but she's not on an even keel with you anymore," I said and immediately regretted every word.

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