Chapter Thirteen- All You'll Ever Be Is Mean (Part II)

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Hey Dolls & Guys,

THE MOST GINORMOUS OF APOLOGIES for the late uploads. I'm not going to give you the whole college spiel because you loves have heard it before. Thanks sooooo much for your understanding support and patience. 

I am currently working on the third (and final) part of the 13th chapter. I've been looking forward to this moment because the two characters whom I love writing for the most will meet. ^_^ 

I hope you liked this chapter as much as you have the rest of the book so far LaurenRocque :) Your message really lighted the fire under my a** that I needed to get past the writer's block. I really do love hearing from all of you so don't be shy :D

Until next time, 

Happy Reading 




I woke up with a huge migraine. Then, when I remembered the events of the hours prior, I slammed my head against the wall over my headboard, only to realise it had been covered over with foam.

“You’re awake!” Felicia’s chirpy voice floated from the left side of the room but I could hear the concerned tone lurking underneath.

“Yes…horrible isn’t it?” I croaked. She rushed to my side and poured small trickles of green tea down my throat. My eyelids felt like concrete bricks were weighing them down.

“Now Skylar-“

“ –I really don’t…just don’t…” I steeled my jaw in an attempt to stop  tears of frustration from bursting forth.  She nodded quietly, patted my shoulder and left the room. I looked over at my grandfather clock haphazardly and pursed my lips. ‘7:09 … ‘  I sat on the side of the bed, feeling the pressure of the floor on my pedicured feet.  Rising slowly, I tested out my strength to walk. I paced slowly around the perimeter of my four-poster bed and then decided instead of moping around with people who think I’m certifiably insane…I’ll go to school and continue my reign over persons who adored my every hair.

‘That snot Pepper will surely ask why I’m walking like this…the conniving biotch!’  I narrowed my eyes at the perfection that was my reflection. Pepper wasn’t my friend, I have no friends here. I don’t need them. Pepper has been trying to steal my spotlight since we were born. The best came first, of course, and since she knew that I had no other detectable flaws, she made use of my age as a dart to prick me with whenever she felt inept.

Feather-light, glossy tresses were sprayed and teased in matching mirrors as makeup artists, personal assistants and hairdressers spun wildly around the four belles. The room smelled of Dior and Yves Saint Laurent –after all, Chanel No. 5 was simply overdone. “Spray it on a makeup brush and dab it behind your ears, Amélie,” I advised softly, my voice had been restrained for weeks as I had to save it for greeting hundreds of important and not-so-important people later tonight.

“Oooh…that does make sense…you’re so wise, Skylar,” she cooed, my reflection smiled at my sweet companion. I caught Pepper’s reflection rolling her eyes on the far left. I lifted my eyebrow as far up as possible without creasing my forehead and Amélie rushed to diffuse the tension by changing the topic of conversation.

“Ava-Camille, How was Bermuda?” Amélie questioned and we all leaned forward in interest.

“It was so tranquil; we had cocktails overlooking the turquoise seas and sunbathed on pink sands, what can be better than pink sand?” She gushed and then blushed on realising she may have been bragging. Amélie giggled and I patted her hand.

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