Chapter Nine - Mother's Day Make ups

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Luna Catalina Thunder

The sunlight streamed through the window, waking me up from my slumber. The peacefulness turned into awareness that Caleb wasn’t still in bed and I felt hollow inside. ‘Working already?’ Groaning, I sprung up from the bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. “What shall be for breakfast today?” I muttered pensively as I lathered my hair with the coconut scented conditioner. I sang Whitney Houston’s ‘I Will Always Love You’ as loudly as I could without the others hearing- the pack obviously had sensitive ears and I really didn’t feel like being teased by Heather later on. ‘Ooh ragazza (girl) you hit that high note!’

Stepping out of the shower and slipping into my undergarments and a floral sundress I quickly combed my hair before weaving it into a braided updo. ‘Caleb?’ I called through the pack mindlink which was oddly quiet for this time in the morning. No answer.

 ‘Caleb!’ I repeated worriedly

‘Yes love?’ he replied distractedly

‘What’s wrong with you? You didn’t answer me the first time!’ I fished around my jewellery box for pearl earrings.

‘Oh, um…I’m busy, dear…you know business is going up rapidly lately…’ I turned out as he droned nervously onto this speech about the stock market and partners and other boring stuff.

‘-You just left me this morning, you didn’t wake me up or anything!’

‘I…uh, I did! Yes, I shook you but…um, you were knocked out! You were out like a light, you were-‘

‘-On a Sunday, Caleb? You couldn’t even sleep in on a Sunday! I don’t know what’s the matter with you but as of tomorrow-‘

‘Sweetheart! Stop worry-‘

‘-we are going to an elder for counselling!’ I could almost feel him sigh as a started down the hall.

‘This is getting ridiculous! Every day it is work, work, work! He is going to kill himself! There is no way he is leaving me with all of these kids! He better get it straight!’

‘Catalina, there is no need for that…’I allowed my graceful strides to turn into stomps of frustration.

‘What do you mean there is no need, Caleb? Are you pazzo (crazy)?’

‘I love you…’ he whispered in fright, causing my rampage to melt into a burst of love.

‘I love you too…’ I huffed, beaming in happiness as I approached the stairs.

‘I’m sorry, Lina…you know that, right?’ I could picture his puppy eyes…

‘Awww, Sí Caleb, I know,’ I purred, melting even more,’What do you wish for breakfast?’

‘Oh…um, nothing…I’m good.’ My eyes narrow in suspicion. ‘Of all people…he isn’t hungry?’

‘What is going on Caleb?’ My wolf gave a low growl of annoyance.

‘W-what do you mean ,my love?’

‘Don’t you my love me! For over thirty years I’ve made you every meal and all of a sudden you aren’t hungry?’  My fingernails pierced my palm as I balled my fists in frustration.

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