Chapter Thirteen - All You'll Ever Be Is Mean (part 1)

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Hey Dolls/Dudes,

Super sorry for the wait, but I'm out on Christmas Vacation now (whoop! whoop!) and I can dedicate more time to writing. Be prepared to meet some new sizzling (and sometimes snobby) characters in the coming chapters! 

Tell me when you prefer me to UPLOAD (it can be 2 times a week but not too close to each other). 

Thanks *hug*




A piercing shriek made me jump from my sleep. My eyes effortlessly adjusted to the darkness and I looked about the room sceptically. Nothing seemed out of place, but then again, those bastards were getting good at covering their tracks. Noiselessly, I slid open my bedside drawer and fastened my Rolex onto my wrist, making sure the green lights in the fastener hovered over the chip in my wrist.

I listened carefully for the sound of any heart beats but my own hammered away frantically, drowning the sound of everything else. In frustration I began to grind my teeth.  I took a deep breath, and focused on any movement noises around the estate. Quick, quiet footsteps were coming up the staircase. I willed myself to become cold. No emotions meant no slip ups. ‘I am a Silvermoon…how dare they try this again!’

More footsteps joined the first … I could hear them breathing, coming down the long corridor. My jaw stiffened as I pulled out Mother’s diamond set and slowly adorned the heavy jewels. ‘If I’m going down, I might as well look glamorous doing it…’  I smoothed my hair and scowled in frustration at my shaking hands. Growling under my breath at my pathetic behaviour, I yanked a dagger from its holder under the bedside table. My knuckles became white from my strong grip on its handle.

‘Get a grip you idiot…are you going to let them take you again or not?’ My wolf stirred but she was of no use to me. If I changed they’d kill me and sell my pristine white pelt for added revenge. It wasn’t like I’d be able to run fast enough anyway. Remaining human let me determine outcome –me alone. They usually sent the stupid ones anyway…but that didn’t matter. Instinct often won over intellect.

A hand closed over the door handle and I heard a soft whispering.

‘This time, Skylar…kill the bastards!'

As the door opened slowly I threw the two-edged dagger just around where I thought most people’s throat would reach.

“SKYLAR AUBREY ROXIUS SILVERMOON!”  An ear-piercing and tired voice howled in irritation. Felicia’s head peaked around the door and looked at me with a raised eyebrow as the voice behind her carried on its tirade.


I closed my eyes in disbelief. It was me. I screamed. Not someone else being attacked by rogues in a house that is covered by more security than the Queen’s … the human’s Queen, I mean.  I turned  and proceeded to bang my head on the wall. 

I almost knifed my grandmother.

 ‘Why do you keep doing this, Skylar?’  Bang. ‘What would you have said if someone had actually gotten hurt?’ Bang. ‘They’ll send you away again…’ Bang. ‘Wait until Father finds out.’ Bang.  ‘Or worse… Shandi!’ Bang. Bang. Bang.

I began to tremble like a leaf in high winds. I just got back a bit of normalcy. No, I wasn’t in Paris with Amélie…but I was in process of reclaiming my Queen Bee status at Silvermoon’s! That biotch Pepper had enjoyed it way too much while I was away and I needed to put her back in her rightful place. Goddess Skylar! This isn’t about that! Grandmother could’ve been hurt. I’ve been quite rebellious lately. What if they decide I’m too much to handle? They could send me to … oh goddess no…Shandi!

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