Where am I? (Chapter 1)

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(oh yeah, one more thing; Y/n means Your Name so just insert your name whenever you see it lol)

 Nobody's POV

Y/n, a shy but quite brave female teen, about 15-16 years old, was sitting on her bed and playing on her phone. when suddenly, a strange portal-like rift appeared beneath her and just as she was about to react, she fell in.

 Y/n's POV

The pitch black that was so sudden made you believe you had your eyes closed. However, you noticed that you still had your phone in your hand, and it lit up when you looked at it. It was reliving to see that your phone still had a good amount of battery. Unfortunately, it has no signal to any kind of WiFi or Cellular Data. Surprisingly, you were quite calm about the situation, despite your heart reaching an all-time speed.

After a short while, (which seemed like hours) bright dots began to appear around you, and  startled you as they whipped right beside you, knocking your phone out of your hand.   (somebody needs to make a counter whenever i say you or your.. its out of hand my gawd-)

Those little glowing orb thingies soon formed a very large and blinding figure, but the blinding light soon died down as you uncovered your eyes to look at the light-emanating creature. It began speaking in Shakespeare, which confused you slightly.

"Soon thoust shalt find thyself in a world strange to thee.." The creature spoke, it's voice or whatever emanating around the pitch black area.

'Dear god, this guy's old..' You thought, trying to decipher the words. Just then you realized that your phone was soon engulfed in a light orb. 'Well darn. There goes my phone-' But just as you thought those words, the light orb came to you, and just kinda floated there.

"Soon, you shall find thyself in a world filled with creatures known as Pokemon." It spoke again.

Pokemon? No way i'm going into a world with POKEMON?! You loved Pokemon as a kid, and still even have a plushies of the shiny Shinx line. Thinking about them made you smile. Just then, as the silence pretty much broke, another blinding light appeared as a voice, not of your own, sounded in your head. 'Seek out all Pokemon.'


You broke out of another rift portal or whatever, this time, you realized that you were in the air, but also falling out of the FREAKIN sky. 

"OH GOD" You yelled, out of fear and this time, it seemed you were absolutely scared for your life. (i mean, i would be too-)

Even if you landed in the ocean not too far away from the shore, and managed to get to the shore of this little beach, your head hurt so bad. Even worse than a migraine. Was it because of your adrenaline, or the fact that you just FELL OUT OF THE SKY?!

Small rustling could be heard from a nearby bush, however, it was clear that you needed rest and laid down on the sand.  A small orange creature came over from where the bush could be heard and soon realized that you were in trouble or something. 

It became obvious that this creature was none other than a Shinx. A shiny one at that. The Shinx licked your forehead to see if you were alright but whimpered and ran off somewhere. Even if it was a short interaction, you were happy to see a Shinx, and it reminded you of your plushies. 

Eventually, because of your screaming headache, you black out. 

Some time later, something began to nudge you again. "Wake up!" A grown man's voice said, with a hint of fear in his voice. "Ohhh, do wake up now won't you?" The same voice said, after realizing you were actually alive, the fear in his voice died away a bit. 

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