Jubilife (Chapter 2)

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The small orange Shinx eventually dozed off again, falling asleep in your arms.Close by, there seemed to be an odd beeping noise. 

Some object was glowing in front of a rock, and your curiosity peaked. Apon closer inspection, this object turned to be your..phone? It had changed shape, although looking like it just got a case on it.

Eventually, after you picked it up, a message appeared on the top of the screen. It seemed to be a text and you read what it said;

"I bestow apon thee, this Arc phone." Some of the massage read. 'How original.' you scoffed, looking at the rest of the message. "Seek out all Pokemon, and thoust shall find me again." 'Alright-' you thought and just as you were about to carry on to find Laventon, another text appeared. "Oh btw humans call me Arceus I forgot to tell you earlier LMFAO" The text read, 'What in the actual -??' You also cringed a bit as this 'Arceus' thing just texted like an absolute idiot.

Eventually, you made your way over to Laventon, who seemed to be distraught. "Ah, yet another miss.." He said, disappointment and sadness laced through his voice. 

You walked up to him, and he turned around to greet you. "Aha! i'm glad you came to the rescue, my new friend from the sky!" He said, smiling. The Shinx you held in your arms began to stir, and it woke up. You pat its head gently and it seemed to purr. 

You turned your attention back to Laventon, to hear what he had to say. "I tried to catch these three runaways by tossing Pokeballs in their path, but i'm not the best at this sort of thing you see.." He trailed off, but eventually looked back up at you. "I'd like to give you a go at it, but perhaps I should tell you more about these three?" He asked.

"Hmm, well, that one over by the rocks looks like a Cyndaquil, a fire type.. It's back will flare when provoked." You said, and began listing the other two. "Over by the tree looks like a Rowlet, a grass type! It can use sharp feathers for battle, I recall. And the one by the pond must be Oshawott, the water type! It can float on its back and use the sharp shell on it's belly for battle." You finished, proudly looking back at Laventon.

His jaw dropped, and was in awe. "..What?" You said, staring at Laventon. It was silent for like 30 seconds before Laventon began to speak again.

"My goodness! Even if you fell out of the sky, you sure do know your Pokemon!" He said, beaming. "Oh please..It's not that big of a deal-" You blushed again, this time turning away. 

"Oh my! I nearly forgotten to tell you the most crucial part on how to catch Pokemon!" He began, and you turned back to face him. Shinx wiggled a bit and you set it down. Laventon handed you some Pokeballs, 50 to be exact. 'That's a lot more than normal..' Y/n thought. "Here you are my girl; Pokeballs! Throw these at Pokemon to catch them." He told you as you nodded.

Eventually, you did in fact catch them all! It wasn't very hard, though Laventon seemed ecstatic. After giving you some more praise, he thought for a few seconds. "Well, I could take you into Jubilife, and see what Captain Cyllene can do for you." He said, looking ahead to a path.

"Captain Cyllene?" You questioned, feeling like you have heard a name similar to that before. "Mhm! She's the captain, second in command to Comander Komado." Laventon said, before walking a few steps toward the path onwards."Now lets go, I can talk to the guard standing post outside the gates." He said, waling towards the gate.

Once at the gate, your Shinx nuzzled your leg and made its way onto your head. "This young woman is with me." Laventon said as the guard nodded and let you both through, though seeming to be wary of the Shinx on your head. Confused nonetheless, you follow Laventon into Jubilife village.

The people there all gave you strange looks and whispered to their elbow-partner. About you, one would assume. It wasnt all that hard to overhear and as a result, you lowered your head due to anxiety. Laventon spoke some more, but because the anxiety continued to cloud your brain, you were completely zoned out.

After crossing a bridge, Laventon tells you to go over to the village canteen; the Wallflower. Your 'Arc phone' beeps and blesses your eyes and mind with the power of Google Maps. As you made your way over, as instructed.

A strange old guy comes out of the canteen, and looks at you for a solid moment. "Well now aren't you awfully suspicious?" He says, after looking at you up and down. 'Wow, rude.' you though and narrowed your eyes slightly before your Shinx frowned at him too. "This is for Galaxy team folk only!" He continued, making you flinch. 'Galaxy team? Like the evil team or whatever in Sinnoh?' You thought. "Ah but uh, can I at least sit on that bench or whatever over there while I wait for Laventon?" You said, somehow not stuttering one bit.

"I suppose that's fine, just don't break the table!" He continued, and went back inside. As you sat down, your Shinx jumped down from your head and curled in your lap to take a snooze again. You began to pet your Shinx, eventually dozing off a bit. 

"Hey!" A voice said and awoke you and Shinx. Looking quickly over to who the voice was, you jumped back in reflex as the person was right in front of your face. Your face flushed, mostly out of embarrassment, but there's a small hint of Something else. (😳) "Thank goodness you're alive! Gosh, I thought you were dead." He said, standing straight back up and smiled. As your Shinx yawned and stretched, it drowsly looked at whoever this was, and he seemed to back away slightly in fear.

Your blush died down and you just kinda looked at him in confusion, wondering why he was backing away. But he drove his own focus away from your Shinx. "You don't happen to be from around these parts, do you?" You shook your head in response. "And that attire! Wild Pokemon could easily rip you to shreds in that!" He said, clearly worried. "But someone clearly vouched for you to be able for you to get in here." He continued. "Y-Yeah, Laventon allowed me to uh.. be here I guess." You stated. "Wait, Professor Laventon? Do the two of you know each other? He IS from another region far off." With a shake of your head, he continued nonetheless. "He's not extremely reliable when it comes to Pokemon handling though. Three more of them slipped away from him earlier.." You frowned. "If I'd havent been resting up when a group of Pokemon attacked me using the move Thunder shock, I'd have gotten them for sure." He shook his head in a small bit of sadness and guilt and looked back at you. "And the professor, well.." 

"Unfortunatly, its just how Rei says.. I'm a clumsy sort of follow, to put it lightly." Laventon appeared from behind (Who you now know as Rei), and smiled.

"ACK!" Rei exclaims and jumps back a bit. You chuckled a bit, as Rei seems like a jumpy person. Shinx smiles at Rei, and he just kind of looks away. "But everything will be quite alright now!" Laventon smiled and walked over to you. "Y/n here has agreed to help us complete our Pokedex!" He beamed. 'I did?' You though but decided to go with it anyway because what else could you do? Rei looked at you, then back to the Professor. "As in.. She's going to join the Survey Corps?" He questioned, raising and eyebrow at him. "What makes you thing that's a good idea? We can't just take in any misfits that wanders out from the wilderness." He had a point, but that was a little rude. 

"Ill allow it." A stern voice could be heard from behind Rei again. "GAH?!" He exclaimed again and jumped back once more. Your Shinx could be heard giggling a bit and Rei gave it the death stare. A person who resembles Cyrus walks over and you could only assume this was Cyllene. "Assuming she can contribute to the Survey Corps, that is." She stated, and looked at you. "I am the captain of the Galaxy team's Survey Corps. You may call me Cyllene." She nodded. "Professor Laventon informed me of how you were able to round up the three runaway Pokemon that he lost." Before you could even say anything, she continued. "Hmm, you seem to be about 15 or so, old enough to work for your stay. But we cannot take in any stranger that walks in among us without knowledge of their origins or skills. Tomorrow we shall see if you are capable to prove yourself worthy." She finished finally, and you nodded in response. "Now, would you like to join us for a meal? I'm sure you have plenty of questions for our visitor!" Laventon said, smiling. "That's quite alright." She said, and went inside the Wallflower. "Ah, too bad. Well, the rest of us can enjoy a meal and pleasant conversation then, yes?" You nodded, though not saying any words. Out of the corner of your eye, you swear you could see Rei looking at the back of your head in concern.  

"Beni, old chum! Bring the usual potato mochi, and make it three this time!" Laventon said loudly, making you flinch again. Rei continued to look at you with a concerned look as your Shinx cooed happily with the though of food.

(Author's note!   

1.7k words, but here we are, another chapter! While i am watching a playthrough of all this to make all the dialog on point, its 11 hours long.. oh well. Anyway, remember to be safe, you are loved! Be safe out there friends! <3)

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