First Star (Chapter 9)

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Y/n's POV

"Lux is WHAT?!" You panicked, which is understandable considering there's a tornado forming around Lux right now and that may or may not be concerning to surrounding wildlife. You admit, this is a pretty cool experience nonetheless. 

There was suddenly a large gust of wind from the tornado-thing and it pushed you back a bit. You stood your ground though, and the wind soon surrounded Lux with a black-like energy, only leaving his eyes to glow through the wind. It was hard to see, but you could make out that some of his features were growing and changing. Eventually, the tornado subsided, and Lux made a cry of excitement.

"I did it! I evolved!" Lux happily said, wagging his tail and looking at his new features. Wait, what? You shook your head. Am I hearing things? Lux ran happily to you and jumped (or well at least tried) into your arms. He was much heavier now, and you were still too stunned by what happened. As a result, he knocked you over onto the ground. You were knocked out of your daze and Lux began to happily nuzzle you. You laughed and got up, and began to pet Lux, in which he happily coo in response. 

Stovetop trotted over and nuzzled against Lux's cheek, probably to congratulate him. "Well that's something you don't see everyday." Rei smiled and you turned to him. You smiled. "Maybe, but I guess we should get used to it." You nudged Rei's shoulder. "We?" Rei tilted his head. "Mhm!" You smiled at him, his eyes went wide for a moment and a very subtle blush formed. He chuckled lightly and looked down at Lux. Lux was looking at him with the same devious smile he gave you a few times. "Oh, hush it." Rei mumbled, barely legible. 

Rei fiddled around with a Pokeball in his satchel and soon he sent out his Pikachu. "Bigah?" Pikachu said as he came out of the Pokeball. He looked confused for a moment but then finally saw Lux, who happily greeted him. Pikachu looked stunned and ran up to Lux with admiration, he soon got on top of Lux and began chatting happily. 

"They look like they're having fun." You smiled and Rei agreed. "Oh by the way, what rank are you?" You asked Rei. He thought for a quick moment before answering. "I'm a One-Star, but considering on how much research you've done, you might as well become a One-Star too!" He smiled brightly. "You think so?" You asked and Rei nodded. "Well, let's get going back to Laventon!" You happily said and pointed in the direction of where the camp probably was. Rei nodded. Pikachu was still talking with Lux. Stovetop was also in the conversation before you got their attention. "Hey, guys! We're heading back to camp, you coming?" Stovetop and Lux nodded and they got up from laying down on the grass. Pikachu was still on Lux, and he looked pretty content. You have to say, it was pretty gosh darn cute.

It was getting darker out, and Stovetop's fiery mane glowed brightly as she lit the way back to camp. "It's still so cool that some Pokemon have rarer alterative colors. Did you have that back in your world?" Rei asked, still mesmerized by the blue flames. "Mhm! Trainers like me used to hunt for them for fun." You nodded. "Trainers? As in you train Pokemon?" Rei tilted his head with curiosity. "Correct again! We used to train Pokemon to not only be our partners, but to become stronger and rise to the top! The strongest are given a title of Champion of that region." You smiled. Though I can't even remember what my Pokemon were back in my era.. You must have looked distraught for a moment because Rei put a hand lightly on your shoulder. "Hey, don't worry. We'll find a way for you to go back." He said in a reassuring tone. "And if we can't?" You asked, not exactly wanting a response. "Then you'll be stuck with me!" Rei said pridefully. You snickered. That was a response that's alright. "I wouldn't mind that." You mumbled, and probably only you heard it. Pikachu got off of Lux's back and went on your shoulder, he nuzzled your cheek before hopping over to Rei. Lux and Stovetop also nuzzled against you, probably to reassure you. You pet them both and smiled, your mood restored. 

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