Back On Track (Chapter 8)

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Y/n's POV

It has been a few days since all that happened, your injuries have healed quite a bit-though they'll leave scars. That should be obvious. You did have small panic attacks, though they were very minor and barely noticeable and only appeared in some situations. You wore a glove over your injured hand as to ease any pain that may come.

It was your first time out in the Obsidian Fieldlands, and you met up with Rei and Laventon at the Fieldlands camp to get working on your research tasks. You were about to walk out, but Rei stopped you, insisting he would come with you because you would most likely go for another Alpha.

"Pffft, what? I'm not going to go straight for an Alpha Pokemon! I've learned my lesson!" You retorted, with Laventon shooting you a disappointing stare. Actually, everyone who heard you gave you the same glance. Including Lux.

Rei sighed. "Maybe not, but you're more reckless than anyone I know.." There was worry woven in his words. "I feel like it would make everyone feel better if you didn't go off on your own." Rei huffed and Laventon nodded when he finished speaking. Lux got up from where he was sitting and walked over to Rei, and sat down once more next to him. "Kuu." His response was sharp and clear, basically agreeing with Rei.

You coughed dramatically and fell silent. Why can I never win these arguments? Rei sighed, he walked over to you and put a hand on your shoulder. "Cmon, I think we spent enough time here." He took his hand off and walked to the top of Aspiration Hill. "Should we get going on those research tasks?" You nodded with a sigh and walked up to where he was. "We'll be back soon Laventon!" He smiled and waved back to Laventon, who smiled and shot a thumbs up at the three of you. Lux squealed happily as you all headed down the hill, passing by some Bidoof.

Actually, most of the Bidoof wandering around were knocked out by a fatal Thunder Shock by Lux, who apparently had a lust for murder right now. He proceeded to Thunder Shock everything in his path all the way down to the riverbanks of Horseshoe Plains. "Should we uh.. stop him?" Rei asked worriedly, seeing Lux zap down the eighth Starly. "..Nah, let him have his fun." You sighed. He could also get some Exp from this. Wait, what level is he? You were lost in a train of thought for a moment. "Hey Rei?" You began, and Rei turned to look at you. "How do you know what level a Pokemon is?" Rei began to think for a moment. Too long of a moment in fact. "Normally it's just general intuition, but when you get to know the Pokemon well, you can tell what level it is." He nodded thoughtfully, and continued. "And when you can tell a Pokemon leveled up, a small glow goes around them. It's very faint though and you have to pay attention." Huh. surprisingly simple. "Though, I'm not an expert on this, you might want to ask Laventon." You nodded.

You were finally down by the riverbank, there were some Buizel happily running around. "Ah, see those Buizel over there?" Rei began, pointing at them. You nodded in response. "They have an aggressive disposition, just like Shinx." You blinked at that. "Really? I thought they would just run away." Rei stifled out a light chuckle and smiled. "I first saw that when I saw them!" You smiled. His laugh is so cute....Wait, what? You were lost in another deep thought when you realized you were looking at him for a liiittle too long. It wasn't a long moment though, about 3 seconds before he spoke. "You okay?" You jumped slightly before turning away, a light pink dusted on your face. "Y-yeah. Sorry, I just had a thought." You cleared your throat before turning open your Pokedex, trying to change the topic as quickly as possible.

"So the research tasks for Buizel make me have to see it use a move? Seems easy enough." You read the Pokedex, before closing it back up again. "I would agree but you have to get into a battle with one for it to count." He sighed. Lux got bored of listening, but turned back in interest at the 'battle' part. He jumped excitedly and ran off to the Buizel, electricity buzzing through his fur.

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