Ouch (Chapter 4)

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Walking back from the Obsidian Fieldlands, You and Rei were having a conversation. "Eventually, you should be able to have Pokemon that you catch live in the village pastures. The most amount of Pokemon a person can have on-hand while exploring is six, apparently. Not that we've had anyone actually manage to do that!" Rei started. "That might change pretty soon!" You laughed. Laventon turned around to face you two "Come now, you two-let's not dillydally! We must report to Captain Cyllene pronto!" Laventon smiled, Lux jumped over to Laventon, seeming to want you to follow him. "Alright, then lets go!" You smiled, and followed Rei and Laventon to Galaxy hall. "I can't wait to see the Captain's reaction!" Rei chuckled and ran into Galaxy hall. "What a goof." You snickered. "Ain't he?" Laventon smiled and went into the Galaxy hall alongside you.

Once inside of the Galaxy hall, you made your way over to Cyllene's desk, where she still, lay buried in a mountain of paperwork. "It seems we won't have to leave you to die afterall." She said coldly. 'Yeesh, did she WANT me to fail?' You thought and Lux narrowed his eyes slightly. "Congratulations. You've passed your trial, you can hold onto that satchel." She said as she looked up at you. "I must admit, you've impressed me. I set a high hurdle to judge whenever a stranger like yourself could be worthy, but you cleared it." She nodded and stood up to face you. "Here, the official uniform of the Survey Corps." She handed you the clothing. "Go change into the uniform in the quarters you  slept in last night, then, you are requested to go to the third floor immediately afterwards. Present yourself in uniform to our commander. This is your first official orders from your captain!" She nodded and went back behind her desk and began looking at papers again. Lux looked quite excited and batted at the scarf that was provided. 

You passed Rei on your way out and he smiled and gave you a thumbs-up. You smiled back, and went out of the Galaxy hall to your quarters. You entered your quarters and put on the uniform. Lux looked away, like the polite gentleman he is. Once you were done, Lux looked back around and jumped into your arms. Again, he started playing with the scarf. After Lux finished batting at your scarf, he climbed onto your shoulder. The shoes were a little annoying to get on, but you got it eventually. You walked out of your quarters, and made your way back to Galaxy hall. Once you entered, Rei greeted you. "Look at you, in the Survey Corps uniform!" He smiled brightly. "Now it feels like you're really one of us!" He then started pondering to himself. "I do wonder though, when did the captain go and get the uniform ready for you?" He questioned and you just shrugged. "I see you've changed. Regarding the accommodations, you may continue to use the room you slept in last night." Cyllene nodded as she walked down from the flight of stairs to your left. "You may wear this aswell." She said and wrapped a wacky looking cloth-thingy around your head. (I didn't know what it was called okay?-) You nodded and Lux batted at the edges of it. Cyllene nodded. "Now go present yourself to the commander!" She instructed. "Oh, by the way, Pokemon aren't allowed up there, so your Shinx will have to wait down here or in it's Pokeball." Cyllene informed you. "Alrigh Lu-" You began, but not before Lux jumped into Rei's arms. Rei kinda just stood there for a moment, wide eyed. "Well nevermind then. I guess you've got Lux's situation covered!" You chuckled for a second. Rei still looked a bit frozen. "Don't worry, Lux is a kind little fella." You smiled and Rei seemed to relax a bit. "Lux, Rei, I'll be right back, dont cause too much trouble!" You smiled and went up the stairs. You could barely see it, but Rei smiled and pet Lux behind the ears. 

Making your way up to the third level, you became a little nervous, but that's probably normal. Once entering the office on the third floor, you are greeted by a man, Kamado, you assume. "I have been waiting for you!" He said, very loudly. "I am Kamado, Commander of the Galaxy exploration team!" He began. "Hrrrm, so you are Y/n." You nodded and he continued. "Hrrrrm! I have been briefed on your situation, including how you fell from the sky." Just remembering about your head, (which still had a small amount of pain, but you just kinda forgot about it.) and became grateful that the cloth thingy covered it up effectively. "Now then.. Let's see what you are made of! Face me in combat!" He exclaims and opens his arms wide. You could only assume he wanted you to try and use a sumo move on him, though its already clear that you're not going to do anything if you do. Deciding to try and charge at him, because trying to throw him would result in a broken spine. "Hyah!" He exclaimed as he threw you across the room. 'I expected that.' You thought and quickly stood up. Now, THAT made the injury hurt again. "Hrrm! You've got some fight in you, although your sumo moves could use some work." He laughed and you stood in front of him again. "Don't expect a warm welcome from everyone! Naturally, some won't be so quick to trust strangers who literally fell out of the sky." He nodded. "Some might even see you as a portent of disaster!" He continued. "But you passed the trial that was put before you, no matter how odd you seem, you're a part of Jubilife Village now." You smiled slightly, still a bit nervous. "Dedicate yourself to the work of the Galaxy team, and complete the Pokedex! But I warn you, Y/n, Pokemon are terrifying creatures! Keep that in mind as you work!" You nodded. 

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