Reckless (Chapter 5)

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(Firstly, I just want to thank everyone for taking the time to read my little story! You all mean the world to me, and motivate me to keep on working at this! <3)

Rei's POV

~~Previous night~~

"Feel free to go wander off a bit, I'll be up ahead!" I smiled at Y/n and ran off as she looked down to her shiny Shinx-Lux. From a distance it seemed like they were in fact going to wander off. Not that I can blame her, Hisui is so interesting! I thought about strengthening my bond with Pikachu, because clearly, he doesn't like me very much as of now.. I contemplated for a few moments before letting him out of the Pokeball.

"Bigah?" the Pikachu said as it materialized coming out of the Pokeball. "Alright Pikachu, I know we arent really on a very good page..." I began, but alas, just as I suspected, Pikachu turned away with a sassy "Biga." The nerve. "..But can we at least try to be better together?" I knelt down to him. "..." Pikachu didn't say anything, but his ear twitched-I'm pretty sure he was thinking about it. "We can try to train you up?" I asked, and Pikachu turned towards me in a thoughtful scowl. Is he considering it? I wondered, and my suspicions were correct again as Pikachu nodded slightly. Blooming with joy internally, all I did was nod, trying not to show my joy.

 "How about some Starly? It's midday now, so there should be plenty out there." I nodded and looked over to a small flock of Starly, picking at the ground, probably in search of food. Pikachu simply nodded, and carefully walked over to the flock, while hiding in the grass. "Aright Pikachu, Thundershock!" I exclaimed quite quietly, so much so that only Pikachu heard it. Pikachu nodded fiercely and built up a very large mount of electricity, and discharged it all at the flock, somehow coordinated enough so that it hit them all. "Bigabigachu!" Pikachu said happily as he turned back towards me. "Nice job buddy!" I smiled and reached out to pet his head. For some reason, he didn't seem to mind. If anything, he made happy Pikachu noises when I pet him. Mentally take note of this me, Pikachu likes to win..alot. but absolutely despises it when he loses. That's totally not going to be a problem later. I shook off the thought. 

We were training most of the day, though some Bidoof were annoying Pikachu with Rollout. Pikachu got so mad I guess, that he just exploded the Bidoof with a Thundershock. Looking up at the sky, it seemed to be getting closer to evening than afternoon. "Where is Y/n anyways? I hope she isn't drowning in a river somewhere.." I said, concerned about my friend. "Biah." Pikachu shrugged. He was getting tired from all that training, and went back inside his Pokeball. 

When I reached camp, Laventon came to greet me. "Ah, Rei! How are you, my boy?" Laventon smiled gleefully, as he always does. "Good! Me and Pikachu were training up while we were waiting for Y/n. Speaking of, where is she? It's been all day." I replied, giving Laventon the same thoughtful look I had. "I wish I could tell you Rei. Last time I saw her, she was dropping off a Shinx and Bidoof. I wouldn't have the slightest where she might be.." Laventon seemed to be worried now. I thought for a moment and looked back at the sky. It was getting past evening, and going into nightfall, the sky was a fiery red. It was beautiful, I never really took time to appreciate that. "It gets far more dangerous at night, with the abundance of aggressive Pokemon.." I thought hard for a few more moments. "I'll stay here for now, i'm sure Y/n will come back soon.." (famous last words lmao)

It was well after dark now, and no sign of Y/n, and I began to get quite worried. She hasn't died, has she..? I once again shook off the negativity, but I have gotten extremely worried now. "Hey, Laventon?" Laventon turned to look at me, he too seemed more anxious. "I'm going to go out and look for Y/n. If I'm not back by midday tomorrow, look for me." I nodded and Laventon seemed to have understood. "Be careful Rei."

I left camp, making haste. Pikachu wouldn't want to come out of the Pokeball,  and that's understandable. I made my way over to where I saw her go and wander off. There was a small cliff, which I just slid down easily. Drifloon were peacefully floating around, but they agressive. I swerved past them and made my way into a small nearby forest. I was looking around carefuly before I see a shiny Shinx. With an Eevee on its back? They seemed to be good friends, but were looking around frantically, seeming to be incredibly distressed. The Eevee noticed me first and batted at the Shinx's head tuft, gathering it's attention. Once it noticed me, the Shinx's eyes dilated, and began running towards me. Is this Y/n's Shinx?! I was too surprised to move at the realization, and became more anxious knowing that they would never get separated unless Y/n told them to do something. Once the Shinx and Eevee reached me, they seemed to want to get my attention. "Kuku!" The Shinx yapped, and turned around seemingly as it wants me to follow it. "Vee! Veevoyveee!!" The Eevee seemed just as distressed as the Shinx as they ran off. I followed them, leading me to the back of the Horseshoe Plains. I would know all too well that this, is there the Alpha Rapidash lives. I shivered at it, Alpha Pokemon scared the living daylight out of me. 

I reached to where they lead me, and I saw.. VOLO?! He was going through Y/n's satchel while she was LITERALLY BLEEDING OUT. (i have a headcannon that Volo steals from your satchel when you black out lol) "What in the Alpha Staravia are you doing?!" I yelled out, and Volo jumped. He tried to run but Pikachu (who came out of the Pokeball), Lux and Eevee cornered and surrounded him "Return ALL of the goods you just stole from Y/n." I said sternly, and Volo quickly put everything back. Once he did, Pikachu gave him a good zap. He deserved it. It is strange though, I haven't seen Volo for a while until the Space-Time rift first opened. He was my friend before, but now? He's a little shady. I turned my full attention to Y/n, still all bloody and mangled. I didn't care about that now, but I picked her up bridal style (unintentionally, it was the easiest way to carry her.) I didn't know if it was the adrenaline that was going through me right now, but it was surprisingly easy to carry her. 

I carried her over to a tree, and rested her on it and began examining her injuries. Firstly though, she had a pulse and was breathing. Little did I know, tears were pouring out of my eyes like waterfalls. Coincidentally, I have bandages in my satchel at all times. I look it out and began looking at the injuries once more. She had a large cut on the side of her head, looping around to her forehead. I took off the headcloth that she was wearing and began to patch it up. Her lower torso, more-so at the hip had a pretty nasty gash too, and I patched it up no problem. To patch it, I took off her satchel and set it to the side, but right after, I put it back on. Lux and Eevee were nervously looking at her, and Pikachu was trying to calm them down I suppose, but they were having a nice conversation despite the gloomy situation. A little bit later, Pikachu went back into the Pokeball because he was probably tired..again. I turned my attention back to Y/n, which I noted one more.. pretty serious injury. Her left palm had a gigantic hole all the way through it. I nearly gagged at the sight of it, I doubt if she'll ever get to use that hand ever again. I forced myself to patch it up, trying not to focus on the mangled mess. She began to stir, I noticed her, but I couldn't take my attention away from her palm. What I did notice though, is her face becoming slightly red. It's just a coincidence, right? She's just embarrassed. Lux and Eevee were crying happy tears, Y/n laughed silently and pet them. I finished patching up her palm and turned my attention to her, letting my emotions finally run wild, I began tearing up.

"Y-you idiot! Why would you go right for an Alpha Pokemon?! You almost died!" I hugged gently, burying my face in her scarf. "Well I didn't did I?" I pulled away from her. She smiled sarcastically, it was easy to see through it. "And you, look like you need some sleep." It honored me that she cared so much even though she almost DIED a few hours earlier. "Yeah maybe, but I'll be fine.." I couldn't help a small blush though. She looked at me for a brief moment and used her one good arm and grabbed me by the scarf. Eh?!  She pulled me down next to her on the tree, My face grew hot, and I hope it wasn't visible W-Wait, first of all, why am I feeling like this?! She just fell out of the sky two days ago! "Now get some sleep before I make you sleep." She instructed, surprisingly. I was going to reply, but the sweet release of sleep came too fast.

(Author's note!

1.7k words! Yeah, I know it's MUCH shorter than the last few, and technically a review of last chapter, but I hope it was interesting to see Rei's side of things! ^o^ 

I do plan to work on this more, sorry for the long break!

And as always, stay safe, stay healthy and be you! Love you all!! <3)

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