Trial (Chapter 3)

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After 'Beni' brought out the potato mochi, Rei decided to start the conversation between you three. "So, where did you find this stranger in the first place, Professor?" He asked, looking over at Laventon with genuine interest. "Ah, well you know the big hole in the sky? The one people call the Space-Time rift? Well, our new friend fell right down out of it!" Laventon exclaimed. You looked down, not wanting to see Rei's reaction. Your Shinx tried to paw at the potato mochi hungrily. "..Was that a joke?" Rei said, obvious disbelief laced in his voice.

 "Come now, I'm a scientist! My job is to explain all the strange phenomena that appears." You looked back up at Laventon, who continued. "Now, you already know there are many Pokemon in the Hisui region.." He began. "Of course, they're everywhere! In the forests, the grass and in the sea. Its up to the Survey corps to figure out what creatures they are." Rei nodded and Laventon continued. "Well we know this much... Pokemon are terrifying creatures!" Your Shinx, although had finally nabbed and ate a mochi, whimpered and hid under your arm. You pet it, and looked back up at Laventon confused. "But.. This Shinx isn't very terrifying." Your Shinx cooed and nuzzled your arm and you smiled. "Yes, maybe but its impossible to know what kinds of powers they possess.." He frowned but then looked back up at you "But that's where you come in, Y/n!" He smiled and looked at Rei. "She caught 3 Pokemon in quick order, successfully aswell, might I add!" Laventon said gleefully. "Nobody in the Galaxy team is able to do that, so its quite the feat, you understand? With her on our ream, we can finally begin to research Pokemon in earnest!" He beamed, and Rei looked at you with a surprised look. "That's really something! We count ourselves lucky if we catch just one wild Pokemon while fending off their attacks." Rei finished, he frowned and shook his head. 

"Ah, well the Pokemon that fled to the beach weren't on the attack.." Wait..'On the attack?' meaning that the Pokemon here would try and..kill you? You realized this and became wide-eyed for a moment. "But the key to catch these Pokemon is to aim well with your Poke ball, and it seems that our new friend here is fearless to do just that!" Laventon smiled again. Your Shinx's ear twitched and quickly looked behind you and growled softly. Turning around, Beni was there. 

"Does the Survey Corps really have the leeway to be enjoying a meal with this outsider?" Beni said with  arrogance. "Your captian just ordered 10 whole helpings of potato mochi, you know.." He looked dissapointed, but you couldn't care less. "The slow progress on the Pokedex seems to have her on edge, too." 

"Yes, well, we will try and rein in our good captain's stress-eating habit. Now, Y/n! Eat your fill, and just think, if you make it into the Survey Corps, you'll never have to worry about a meal ever again!" Laventon said, smiling at you with hope and you smiled back. "The team provides for all it's members needs, even if they  fell out of the sky!" Nodding while smiling, the four of you dig into the potato mochi. Your Shinx ate the most and fell asleep in your lap again. 

It's nighttime now when you all finished, and Shinx was still asleep. "That was very delicious, very delicious indeed!" Laventon said gleefully. "You're awfully relaxed about all this. You know we wont be able to have Y/n join the Survey Corps unless she passes a trial?" Rei brought up, but Laventon seemed unphased. "Nonsense! I have complete confidence in Y/n's skills!" His confidence made you blush a bit. 

"Let's hope that it is not misplaced." Cyllene said from behind, walking up to the group. "Y/n, was it?" She asked you, and you nodded. "For tonight, at least, we will provide you with a place to sleep, however, if you fail to pass the trial set before you tomorrow, you must move on." Her stern voice made you intimidated. "You will be expelled from the village to meet your fate-perhaps even your death in the wilds." She said coldly once again. 'Damn.' You thought, though still not saying any words. She walked away into a large building, leaving you much to think about.

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