New Friends

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When she had shown so much she was glad she didn't need to explain much she gave them the short version of her knowledge about their world. The two men were in shock that she have lived through all that in four years since 7 years she was frozen. they were at a loss for words. Loke took the bowl bowed and disappeared.

Lucy looked over both of the men studying them both. 'I know of your world thanks to my spirits, I'm powerful and can help but as I'm old, I don't wish to be a student.' Albus was now thinking. 'you can be an assistant with free reign no special rules only keep order and help around as you see fit, you will have as much power as me in this school take and give points and help classes or take over if something happens, the only thing I am struggling with is that there are no empty bedchambers.' Lucy being smart. ' i can build a house or cottage somewhere I don't mind.' then Severus got up. ' I have an empty room and I could use help in my classes the students are incompetent and always blows up their potions.'

Albus was shocked by this but they both saw her memories and they both knew she hid much more probably power or something more. 'You need to keep your power secret as long as you can and you need a wand.' Albus said standing up also. then there was a new glow and a maid stood there. 'Princess the Spirit King have this made for you it's from Dark and angel wood with stardust phoenix and phoney hair.' she gave a golden wand and bowed. ' Punishment.?' lucy only sighed. 'Thank you, Virgo, is there a way for you to make some clothes for me that are more proper for this world? Both these men are so dressed the only skin I see is their hands and face I'm sure it's not proper for me to walk around like this.' Virgo bowed and went back for clothes for her.

'We have seen your world and there was a lot of skin, especially that boy grey I believe.' Severus said while thinking. 'Yes he's an ice mage he's always hot and undress im pretty used to nude people even those I don't wish to see and as you saw my clothes always got destroyed in fights thanks to my team or enemy im just glad I could console it before I showed it. ' she laughed a little for her self and both men couldn't stop thinking they wouldn't mind seeing her naked. 

Her spirit came back and she got dressed fast behind a curtain. We both showed her around and got to know each other Even Severus smiled and Albus saw how good it was for her to stay he would make sure they become good friends or even something more. 'School will start in two weeks. you could help me as I often have a business to attend.' nodding. 'For the dark lord?' Lucy questioned making both men freeze. she saw how they stared at her. ' I'm sorry did I say something wrong?' ¨NO dear just how you know?' she looked at Severus' shoulder and pointed. ' I feel dark magic from his shoulder so I was guessing some dark wound or mark even a tattoo and I see how you trust him it's in your eyes so I guess he was a spy or double agent or something working for you to get information but also working for Voldemort doing bad stuff against his will, it's only a theory im sorry if I'm wrong.' she bowed deep showing how sorry she was.

Both men looked at each other having a silent conversation. 'You are correct dear he is working as a double agent but no one can know that as it's highly dangerous and Voldemort must trust him for this to work.' Lucy nodded along already figuring it out. 'I know I can help whether on a mission or saving people or stirring up for Voldemort or at school no worries.' Lucy only shrugged at her response. 'you aren't scared?' ' no I have been so close to death so many times and died while being transferred here it isn't the first time I have been in a different world the fairy tail member once sent to Edolas a new world with all of our counter person quite different from us and we had to save their world before we got back home.' 'I knew you didn't show everything.' ' i only showed the important stuff.'

They walked around. 'ill like to meet this Voldemort when he gets back.' 'Quite brave of you but he will only want you in his possession.' 'that's okay no one has been able to keep me I always run away and fight back but I want to get a feel from him that he can't be any different from zeref.' Albus nodded. ' ah yes the dark Wizard I think they are quite alike in some aspect.' 'I will also need to get close to harry potter so I can help him.' 'I'm sure you will.' Severus snarled and Lucy being her started to read into her his emotional eyes.

Lucy In HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now