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Lucy smiled and walked around many students telling her good evening shes glad it was no class on Sunday but they will get two more schools that will come for a contest so they all were needed in the dining hall to welcome them. The teacher decided to meet early to talk and have a small meeting so when Severus walked in with Lucy all the teacher was happy and Albus rushed over and hugged her hard. 'Don't leave for so long again it has been torture.' he whispered.

When they sat down some were talking about the school and the teacher that will be staying for a while. They were happy to have Lucy back and Minerva talked about how awful the mood Severus and Albus had been in. Lucy also got a lot of compliments for her outfit. And Severus loved it on her.

An hour later students came into the room earlier than normal for the welcome Lucy sat there silently doodling on paper while students came most of the students saw her and brighten up fast. The twins were happy to have their fellow pranksters among them. Lucy wasn't a people person she just kept faking it so she was so indulged in her drawing not caring what happened around her she could hear a lot of cheering and some kind of performance but didn't care. She started to draw a baby dragoon. she made sure to make it detailed.

Severus watched her and Albus with Minerva also turned to her a lot to see

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Severus watched her and Albus with Minerva also turned to her a lot to see. She was good it was beautiful. Lucy used magic making the dragon walk out of the paper and into her and open its beautiful eyes blinking innocently and giving a small roar before it turned to Severus and the other teacher then he bowed to Lucy before it walked back to the painting and fell asleep in the hand again. To say the one that has seen that display was shocked was an understatement. Severus stopped questioning her power with Albus but everyone else didn't knows she still didn't look up she looked down at her dragon before she wrote beautifully a name. -Drac.  we can only guess the name of the dragon.

Lucy finally decided to look up to smile at Albus before she looked over at the students they were all eating and chatting which made her remember she needed to eat some. She looked over at Severus before the food there was so much, she somehow turned to Albus to before she took a small Chicken sandwich and tea. With that effort to try Albus smiled big and if Severus wasn't around so many people he would be grinning proudly. It was little but it was a start. She did only eat half before she took some strawberries she loves strawberries.

Seeing as she have eaten some the two men went back to their Eating Minerva saw this and started to think about what she had seen. Lucy finished and walked off some teachers following her. The twins were fast to her giving her a quick hug. 'Where have you been you were gone for days and it was horrible.' George complained only for Luna and Cedric also walked over so they sat down they hugged her too. 'lucy never leave for so long everyone was miserable.' Cedric finished but she just looked confused. 'Why? I was only gone for three days.' The twins shocked

'Three days was too long what did you do anyway?' shrugging her shoulder.' just some princess stuff and looking over for my old friends they are both pregnant and I am going to be an aunt.' Lucy finished with a squeal. 'Princess stuff?'  no one let that one slide and Lucy froze. ' I mean girl stuff, I can't wait my friend is waiting for a boy but he's only about 10 days pregnant now and my friend is 7 days pregnant with a girl I'm going to kidnap them and spoil them rotten.' The guys saw her twinkle and let the princess stuff go for now. 'Congratulation but isn't it too early to know the gender? I'm no expert but one week old?' Lucy giggle. 'I used magic to check on the baby I will travel a lot over time since I'm going to welcome them to the world this one friend needs me to birth like he needs my assistant and since I will be on he's I will be on hers too so I can't wait for im the first to get to hold the baby I hope I can kidnap them maybe let them be 6 months old or maybe 1 year then kidnap them yes that is a good idea.' Lucy spoke more to herself but everyone around her laughed at her eagerness.

Lucy In HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now