Back to school.

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The school was back in order and before we went back everyone returned home the Weasley returned home but I made sure Bill and Fleur would stay until the war was done I checked the Weasley house before I let them return and I took the kids with me to school so now we just have to wait.

I could see the students come by boat no one looked happy. they were scared and the worst is that no one knew if it would be safer at school or somewhere else. when the hall filled with students some smiled and some were passive when everyone appeared and the 1st year have been sorted into their houses Albus started to welcome them, and he reassured them that we would do anything to try to keep them all safe.

While looking around Draco sat with Harry, and Ron Hermione they all got along Luna was also there im glad the houses don't keep them apart. I made sure to double-check everyone that was allowed into the school ground so we didn't welcome a death eater or a spy. I already knew the school year wouldn't be long as Voldemort will soon be ready to start his attack. Cedric, George and Fred had their last year and all I could think of is protecting the people I love. I would gladly leave this world knowing my family and friends will be fine but it hurt every time I thought of leaving Severus behind.

I sat at night in my room crying into my pillow I didn't even notice someone come in until someone hugged me I found out it was Severus, he didn't ask any questions he let me be sad and cry out after a long time I didn't have many tears to give so Severus raised my head. 'Love, are you okay?' i nodded slowly trying to think of happy things. 'Im, fine I just don't know why my feelings are out of control when I think of some special things my tears won't stop.' He brushed my face clean of tears and held me close kissing my forehead. He just stayed there holding me close. That night I slept a little but I was in his arms feeling safe.

The next morning I ate a bit more food than I used to but never thought of it since I have gotten better at eating. Albus and Severus smiled. I helped Severus in classes and no students were scared of him he was still strict. Draco even helped me keep someone quiet earning him some house points and a lollipop from me even a hug. Fred and George, they always listen to me but today all the older students were more invested in Voldemort.

Students kept asking a question over the question, George, Fred and Cedric answered some as they have been staying in the safe house protected by me so they knew a lot. 'Alright students keep calm, yes Voldemort is on the move and yes he's army is big but we have been able to make it smaller and yes we are all training to fight them off in case they come here. ' The class went off and I sigh at that. I'm thankful the twins and Cedric helped but it can also make them suspicious. Severus a free period surprised me with a box of strawberries with chocolate and my eyes grew big this was so romantic and lovely so nice of someone to do to her.

'Thank you, darling, just what I craved.' Lucy smiled as she looked over some papers while Severus study her. Severus thought she was acting strange lately because of the upcoming war, Lucy even removed the dark lord mark on his hand as she doesn't want to send me on the inside in case something happens. I found her crying in bed yesterday so I decided to do something nice to her and as I knew she loved strawberries I made sure to get some with chocolate to make it a bit extra she looked so happy there she sat eating the strawberry.

The classes and training went well and the weeks soon passed. My mood still hasn't changed but there is too much happening to care.

Dear thunder tribe

we will soon be at war so if there is some time I don't write don't worry, the dark lord is gathering his army and are soon coming at us, we are all training both magic and physically. I have been a bit Moody probably because of the stress it has been like this for about three months but it will be over after the war I'm sure.

Lucy In HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now