Third contest.

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The school year was soon over and the last Contest for the Champions was today, I was getting ready and Severus snuck behind me. 'Be careful Love.' Lucy smiled back. ' I will ' They walked hand in hand for a while until they came around students only the people that need to know knew of their relationships. and they wanted to keep it like that until Severus was freed from Voldemort or he was dead.

Now the last contest was about getting the cup and finding your way to the cup through the labyrinth I saw everyone was there waiting I walked up to Albus and hugged him before I walked into the labyrinth some were shocked to say I found the cup fast and all I have to do now is wait I have a feeling someone played with the cup the same way they played with the Challenger cup so all I have to do is wait and touch the cup at the same time I called for Loke and we talked.

'do you think this is a good idea?' she looked at the cup. 'I can't touch it before harry comes then it might not take me somewhere and I will be fine I plan to use a Capricorn star dress. as these death eaters aren't scared of using Avada Kadavra' Loke and I sat for a while we saw the signal of giving up they are closer. 'Loke im scared.' Lucy looked down at the ground. 'what are the brave Princess scared of?' he joked trying to lift the mood. 'I'm finally starting to get happy im scared I will lose that, why did I have to come here wouldn't it have been better if I just went to the celestial world instead?' Loke was serious now. ' it might have but we all wish for our princess to be happy for her self and not for others. We all wish for the best Lucy you deserve to be happy.' Lucy hugged Loke before she send him away and use Capricorn and Loke's star dress together taking Loke's clothes and power mixed with Capricorn and his glasses and style.

Now something started to happen the wind picked up and it was guiding someone scaring them or something after a little Harry came running with Cedric they both reached for the cup with me and the wind stopped everything changed we were at a grave ground an old one. Harry and Cedric looked around while I waited. 'Lucy what why?' Harry asked now. 'Because I'm here to protect you so you both will listen to me okay?' Cedric gave a small smile until harry fell on the ground in pain his scar started to hurt he begged Cedric to take the cup and leave.

There was a slow sound like an old door opening I stepped forward so I was in front and there stood Petter Pettigreff I have only seen him on paper he was holding something like a baby, I couldn't see what it was while Petter took up his wand at Cedric using the unforbidden spell Avada Kadavara I rushed forward being hit instead usually I wouldn't fall but since I was running and not prepared the spell hit me backwards into Cedric I roll off to check he was okay. 'Cedric are you okay?' he stared at me just waiting. 'are you?' i nodded I understand no one have been able to survive that spell before.

Now I stood up and helped Cedric. 'Stay behind me at all times no matter what okay?' he nodded at my command and I saw Petter with blood on a knife over a cauldron so I rushed for Harry I dragged him off the statue that held him and pushed him to Cedric. I pushed so hard he almost fell but Cedric caught him. Now I was between the strange smoke that came from the cauldron and the kids giving me the upper hand. I slowly backed off.

'Harry you and Cedric need to listen to me no matter what okay? I will call for Loke he will be in your shadow and get you out of here if I can't 'Loke?' Cedric asked. 'I can explain later but right now I need you both to listen to me I need to get that cup back Loke will be with you.' I called for him and a serious-looking man in black glasses stood behind the kids. 'Princess we need to get back now.' nodding understanding the hurry. 'Loke I need to get the cup back you will protect these kids with your life, you are not to leave them until they are with Albus.' 'Princess I need to stay with you.' 'No loke listen to me.' 'i can't I promised I would protect you and I will.'

The kids just stared between us Harrry knew Loke but Cedric was confused. Lucy's eyes started to glow. 'I command you Loke leo of the lion to keep these kids safe and are not to leave their side until they are safe with Albus and he let you go, do I make myself clear?' Lucy said in a commanding voice but a silent tear fell she hate commanding her spirit forcing them. Loke was now on his knees. 'Yes, princess.' he also was sad he stood up and made sure he had a hand on both of the kids but stood in the shadow so no one saw him. 'Harry, Cedric listen to Loke follow his command I will get the cup back and you will leave.' 'But' harry started. 'No, but harry you are to listen to me, okay, I love you both, and I will be fine I'm stronger than you know.' Lucy kissed them both on the forehead, and whispered something to Harry. 'try to keep Severus calm for me till I'm back.' Now harry had tears falling nodding he was scared of using his voice. Lucy then smiled at her spirit. 'Im sorry I used my power on you please forgive me.' ' there is nothing to forgive Princess.'

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