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When they walked out Minerva was fast to clean a room as a medical room the others went around and checked on some Virgo appeared. 'Remus, do you both wish to return to your child or shall I get the child?' Remus looked at his wife he knew what he wanted to do but he needed to help it was like they had a silent conversation as they both nodded to each other. 'If it's okay we wish to stay and help for now.' Virgo bowed politely. 'i will return at a later date.' then she walked over to Severus. 'we wish to help restore the school to its former glory.' .'Thank you Virgo that would be helpful.' Loke was now also out. 'The king has told us to give these to help recover the wounded.' Then he handed me some potions and medical boxes. Severus handed it over to Minerva after thanking them. 'Loke, will it be okay to ask you to see if we find some more students and bring them to the hall?' Loke bowed before he walked off.

Many hours later they gather every death eater's body outside in a row with the help of the death eaters that surrounded them, Severus was happy to see Luciouse's wife dead in there but didn't say it out loud. The student that was dead they carried to a room inside in a row wasn't many. there are a lot of students wounded but this outcome would have been much worse if it wasn't for Lucy.

The Ministry came and those who lived and hid in fear came and took the death eaters to prison and the dead with them to identify. they tried asking a question of Lucy but no one gave them anything, strange they want to know her, they also asked Harry but still silent. I will talk with Lucy before I give information away through Severus.

The school was finally freed from death eaters, and Luciouse helped in the medical wing with Draco. the Weasleys were everywhere. The school slowly turned around again and with Lucy spirits help the school started to get back its glory. It was late and everyone went to bed Loke and Virgo stayed in the medical wing to look after the wounded while everyone went to get some sleep. The Weasley, Sirius, Remus and his wife, and even Luna and her father followed Severus to his chamber he wasn't happy to share but it was big enough. some slept in Lucy library couch or the living room or Severus' room or the library the chamber was filled with guests all around, Harry slept in a chair in Lucy's room and Severus slept with Lucy and his son sal.

Severus woke up after 10 hours of sleep and took his son on his chest while he slept as he did before the war he wished and hoped Lucy would wake up like normal and make breakfast but she didn't move, she didn't look as dead but she still didn't move. So slowly and carefully Severus changed his son and bottle-fed him before putting him back and going to the kitchen to start breakfast only to find Molly there making breakfast for everyone. Molly heard him. 'Are you okay?' she asked him. He only looked away and started to fill a cup of coffee. but he didn't move he stood there in silence. 'No, my fiance might die, and haven't woken up and I am useless there isn't anything I can do.' he said lowly Molly walked over and hugged him. 'let it out Severus, Lucy will be fine she strong if anyone can do it it's her. I have never met someone so strong and brave she will make it through.' Molly spoke up trying to make Severus feel better. After a bit, he calmed down. 'Thank you.' Molly smiled and went back to make breakfast the old Severus would have been humiliated but he didn't care now.

Everyone woke up and eat some breakfast. 'Can I stay today and watch over her?' Fred asked when everyone have eaten. Albus nodded and soon everyone was around the castle or school and took care of everyone. this happened for a week before the school was back and everything started to return to normal, most students have gotten to meet their parents for a few seconds to just have some comfort those who have been traumatized had gone home the dead have been sent home and the wounded started to get better so the hospital wing has gotten fewer and fewer students left.

While everything went back to normal there was still one big problem, Lucy hadn't woken up yet she have been unconscious for one week. The Weasley stayed and Virgo took Remus and his wife back today to the island so they could pick up Bill, Fleur, and their son and was back to the castle. No one wanted to leave before Lucy woke up. Luna went back to her room and her father was back at work.

Lucy In HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now