The Three champions

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Lucy woke up early and decided to make breakfast Severus lay sleeping beside her so she kissed his cheek and walked to the Kitchen and started to make a simple breakfast. There were different things to choose from Albus was the first to wake up after Lucy came in and sat down to drink tea with lemon drops.

Severus was late he have been awake when Lucy kissed his cheek. He started to think about his life and how he had come to this he smiled he had never stopped thinking about Lilly except when she appeared in the world. Getting up he walked out to see Albus sitting there and Lucy clean in the kitchen with music as normal.

Lucy loved living as normally as possible and it made the house more like home feeling her owl had been flying around never forced into his cage he was a behaved owl

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Lucy loved living as normally as possible and it made the house more like home feeling her owl had been flying around never forced into his cage he was a behaved owl. When lucy turned she saw them both sitting and waiting for her so she sat down, as usual, she only ate some fruit. 'Severus didn't comment it can't be forced. Lucy eat Strawberries and blueberries and when she was going to go get ready she looked over the food with and calculated look.

As Severus was about to eat a bite from his baguette with eggs Lucy went forward took one bite and walked off. 'Well, at least she tries.' Albus joked but Severus was red his cheek flaming. 'Severus I'm glad you starting to show feelings I'm glad Lucy came to this world she could have gone to many but she was placed here. And you even I have never been happier about it.' Severus wanted to complain to keep his stoic face. But he couldn't he was glad she was here and loved the company it felt so normal it wasn't forced their living together started to feel so real and safe. 'I care for her.' Severus said in a whisper. 'We both do.' Albus finished and with a swing of his wand, the table was cleaned.

They all walked off to breakfast as normal. As lucy was pretty popular with three of the houses she wasn't able to pass, Severus being the gentleman he is was about to turn to help her only for her to walk over them all until she was at the head table and sat down. 'What magic was that?' Moddy asked. 'Wingardium Leviose on myself takes a lot of practice but is practical as the students don't let me pass sometimes.' She lied it was wind magic like her old friend Wendy but she learned it in the spirit world.

The breakfast time was fast over and the classes started she went with Severus and the day passed fast. Draco tried to give some stupid remark here and there but Lucy ignored it. She decided to write a letter to his dad asking for a meeting to talk about his son's behavior.

Dear Luciouse Malfoy.

it has come to my attention that Draco Malfoy's behavior isn't acceptable not only does he treat other students badly but he also tries to use his remark on me. I usually don't care but as I don't see any change and it's soon been half a year I decided to write to you for a meeting.

maybe we could meet up for tea to discuss your son's behavior I can meet anywhere just let me know what is better for you.

-From Lucy.

Severus looked over the letter and nodded before his owl sent it out. I didn't want my owl to be around too much darkness. When Draco's class came in I decided to tell him as a secret isn't always the smart move. 'Draco I have just sent a letter to your dad to discuss your behavior for these last months.' Then lucy turned away from him some heard it and smiled and some snickered at the idea of his dad. Draco however was conflicted.

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