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Bam! Second chapter out! Hope you enjoy this! Let me know if something is wrong as constructive criticism. Like grammar


I laid in the bed, exposed. My body ached after the rough treatment of my master. Yet I could not bring myself to hate the ordeal nor hate the man who caused me the pain, instead I felt a sense of contentment? I definitely felt shock and confusion so perhaps those emotions were not allowing me to make sense of my predicament. 

I turned on my side facing the sleeping man, who still towered above me, I began to observe him. His face was permanently scrunched to make him seem angry but through the lines and scars on his face I was able to make out a type of joy and peace. The longer I stared the more content I became, the more I was able to make out traces of joy on my master's face, the more I accepted my new role in this world.

I began to crawl out the bed, shakily standing on my legs. I gripped the headrest for support as I searched for my clothes, aware of every sound I made as well as all other sounds that seemed to be mocking me.
I began to change back into my clothing, using the little light in the room. I had momentarily stopped listening to my surroundings  and instead focussed on the dragon roars that echoed throughout the fortress but that was enough for my master wake and watch me finish changing. 
I began to make my way out. I turned back to get one more glance at my master once I was at the door only to find him sitting and watching me. My eyes had adjusted to the lack of light so I was able to see him clearly. 'The gods must hate me.' 

I felt myself grow weaker as his eyes stared at me. I could no longer stare at him the same way, under my usual anxiety and respect there was embarrassment. Before I allowed myself to regret my actions I decided to leave so my panic would at least be private.
"I'll see you later sir." I quickly exited the room, wincing at the sudden increase of light.

I walked fast until I made it to a group of men tying down a timberjack. "let me handle this one. I assume that there's more?" I stared down at the timberack, he was quite beautiful. "So? Are you just gonna stand there watching or fetch me the rest. I focussed on the three men.

They rushed back to there ship leaving me alone with the purple timberjack. I stared into the amber eyes of the beast. It reminded me of Deathsong amber. I smiled as I began to walk closer to the dragon. It was already restrained but it yet to have a muzzle placed. I found the muzzle laying on the ground, abandoned by the panicked men. 
I picked it up, causing the timberjack to become aggravated. It lifted its head and growling. That was my que, I began to mimic the dragon. I hissed and growled, confusing the beast. My steps began more confident and bold the closer i cme to the beast until I stood in front of it. 

I gently placed my hand to the snout pushing its head down to my level. I stared at the dragon who had calmed down. I quickly placed and secured the muzzle around its head before moving my hand down to the side of its throat and pinching it. Within a few moments the dragon was down and immobile. 
"Hello my friend!" I turned to face the man, he was well-built and his hair in a low pony tail. He was an attractive man, I will admit.

"Hello Eret. What else have you brought for Drago?" I looked at him, observing his change in body posture. He seemed nervous, perhaps even scared.
"That timberjack and one rumblehorn. The others we had were released by the dragon rider." 

Before I could speak someone else beat me to it.
"You only got two dragons?!" Drago walked closer, passing me and going straight towards Eret. He towered over the terrified man. "Sir, I'm sure Eret will be able to make up for it with his next shipment of dragons and the dragons he's brought you seem to be high quality." 

I don't know why I spoke out for him but I did. My eyes refused to meet my master's and instead eyed the red and green rumblehorn being wheeled in next to the timberjack.   

"Perhaps I should just give him a taste of his death."

My master began to yell swinging his bullhook in the air. 
The was a roar and a blurred figure of a dragon flying past then Eret was on the ground, bleeding. 

Drago Bludvist x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now