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Hi everyone! I decided to be nice and write some fluff for all of you! Just remember that the relationship is still toxic no matter how sweet some moments are. Hope you enjoy!


I was once again at the side of my master. We were in the middle of nowhere, on the very edge of the archipelago near a huge cave. We were accompanied by another ship, Eret and his men were asked, by me, to accompany Drago, a few of his men and I to help us on this quest.
Drago had told me this was where the rumours of a ferocious ice beast lurked, the hunters have been calling it Winter's Blight. My master however, had a hunch and so did I.

The cave was partially submerged in the water and it had great spikes protruding from the ceiling, water dripping onto the ships in little droplets. As we got deeper in the cave the more glow worms appeared on the ceiling and walls, it was a majestic cave of green glow.
I hid my amazement from the res, after all what good is it for someone to reveal everything.

Eventually we hit 'land' and had to continue on foot. 
I heard a weak roar, high pitch and short. I looked at Eret making sure he was and his men were ready. He met my eyes, nodding his head. His crew carried  dragonroot crossbows, nets and each had a machete (or another form of melee weapon) tied to their waist. My eyes then went to my master, he seemed excited.

I smiled when we entered a clearing. It was covered in ice and puddles of frosty water. This was it the lair of the bewilderbeast. Now all we had to do was steal its egg, if it had one. If it didn't we'd have to improvise.
However we found neither of the two. What we found a seemingly dead carcass of a bewilderbeast and a small, pathetic bewilderbeast newborn? 
'Huh. Didn't expect that.'
"What do we do?" Eret asked, he seemed confused. His question, however, went unanswered. Drago instead walked towards the crying newborn and simply stared down at it. This seemed to be a trigger for the miniature beast to see Drago as his new parent because it began to jump at my master, desperate for contact.
"Y/n! contain it! Now!"


"Yes sir." I walked towards the odd duo, examining the situation for a moment before simply grabbing the frost baby by the scruff of its neck. It began to struggle slightly letting out whimpers and growls of frustration. I fell in love.
'Alric.' That was what I named him. To foretell his destiny to rule over all but I did not plan for Drago's method of training. Perhaps I should have, after all Drago is by no means a dragon-caring man.
On the way back Alric was kept in a cage meant for matured dragons. To him it was a playground, to me it was his future. I smiled.

"Y/n, come. We must talk." It had been three months since the incident and I had done a good job at concealing my feelings but even now I couldn't help but feel my heart beat faster when alone with my master. "Yes, sir."
Our walk was awkward at least on my side, l felt relief when we entered his room, I made sure to close the door behind us. It had papers littered around a desk in the corner and weapons hung up on walls and I spotted a large dragon skull above the door, I couldn't place its species. 

"Do you regret it?" My eyes fixed onto him in a flash. I didn't understand, I knew what he was talking about but what did he mean do I regret it? 
I didn't know how to answer, how could I answer? What we did goes beyond the boundaries between Master and servant? What even am I to him?
"I do not understand what you mean sir. Could you, uhm, specify?" My words came out higher pitch at the end, I couldn't mask my curiosity. I couldn't hide from Drago, at least not my thoughts. 

He sighed, "I want to know if you feel a if you weren't ready for me to fuck you. If I took you against your will? Like you were pressured into it." His words made me embarrassed, My master fucked me.  I am a sordinn. I didn't feel as ashamed as I'd thought I'd be though.
"No...I just feel embarrassed. I wasn't expecting that turn of events or for me to become a sordinn at your command." He tensed at my words, his face reddened.

He grabbed my shoulders, leaning down to look me in the eye, "don't ever use such words to describe yourself. Your my second in command. You will be above the rest and below me." His words made me shiver and tingle. He called me his.

"Yes, m-Sir." I leaned melted into his arms. Making myself completely vulnerable. He then grabbed my arm and dragged me into his bed. He pulled me into his chest and held me, "I'm glad today was a success."
"Mhm, uhm, sir. What am I to you? Other than your second in command." 
"You're mine. Mine..." He grumbled. That was all I needed.

Drago Bludvist x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now