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Hi everyone's, I know that it's been a while but here I am. Alive and well but struggling to update bcs the the urge to just start a new book is strong while updating... not so much.
This is before the events of HTTYD 2.

Mention of death, marriage for children (I don't know if that makes sense but I don't know how to phrase it) and infidelity.


I sat on the edge of one of the ships. My ship.
The Valkrie.

It was a nice ship. It belonged to the family of my late wife. A wondrful gift.
I don't particularly understand why her parents were so adamant that she marry me. They knew she wouldn't be able to survive with me, that she'd be destined to a miserable life an early end but we married and she gave me two sons. Twins.

Dorian and Almos.

I don't remember her name but I remeber it reminded me of sweets.

The twins currently live with their grandparents, I had sent them off once they were trained in the basics. Mostly because Drago despised the fact that they were alive.

I'd console him at night and soothe his feelings of betrayal.

"I only married her because her family come from a long line of warriors and masterminds."
"Her genes are strong and they all have silky, healthy hair."
"They were adamant I marry her."

And when that wasn't enough I'd say, "I owe it to my father and mother to continue the bloodline. Once she gives me children I'll send her back."

It would usually work but one night he made me promise I'd kill her once I have children. I didn't have to though, my sons did it for me.


I watched the bubbles disturbing the surface of the water. Alric had grown quite big in a year. He's truly lived up to his name. Such a beautiful leader. I struggle to believe he was once a whiny naïve little thing when we'd first found him. So small and adorable following Drago around the fortress.

I remember the shiver I felt the first time I saw Alric control other dragons. It was the first time I truly understood the danger Alric presented.

That night Drago took me to bed and introduced something new.

It was quite a struggle to untie the binds after. My mind was hazy and I was running on fumes.

Drago Bludvist x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now