A little more than friendship 🪶❤️Rise x Female!Reader

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Raph's POV:

Raphael wasn't the type to crush on, well, anyone. He was way too busy looking after his brothers for that nonsense. They might all be grown now, but they still were as wreckless as ever. That was, until you came into the picture. The snapping turtle felt so at ease around you, he could care less about everything going on around him. 'But we are just friends' he would tell himself

He knew he would have to tell you about his feelings eventually. It was inevitable, but Raphael was so afraid of the rejection. "What if she hates me? Or becomes afraid of me?" He said aloud deep in his thoughts. Not realizing he had spoken out loud. "You okay there big brother?" Leo had asked snapping Raph out of his thoughts.

Suddenly Raph was back in the kitchen, making popcorn for movie night in the lair. "Oh! Uh- yes! Fine- sorry just uhm- thinking." Raph stammered his face turning a little pink in embarrassment. "Uh huh..." Leonardo said unconvinced
He then nonchalantly says out of the blue "By the way, Y/N just arrived a bit ago." "What?!" He jumps "Why didn't you tell me Leo?" Raphael shouts surprised. "Woah there buddy, calm down." Leo gestures. Raph tries to swallow his nervousness down. 'It's just movie night Raph nothing to be nervous about.' He thinks to himself.

Leo starts to leave the kitchen but before he leaves he gives an assuring smile saying "You got this bud, the worst thing she can tell you is no." And with that he strolls out leaving Raph flabbergasted. "Did he just-?" His face turning the same color as his bandanna.

Your POV:

You were slightly nervous as you sat on the couch in the living room, you've been to a few movie nights before, but this one was different. You were going to admit your feelings for the red snapper. You couldn't help but blush at the thought. The butterflies in your stomach fighting to get out. You twiddled your fingers together and kept up some small conversation with Mikey trying to distract yourself from the inevitable future. "How's the art commissions been going Mikey?" You asked
Mikey looked at you and beamed "Wonderful! I've gotten so many that I had to close them for a bit!" He chirped

"Heyy Y/N!" Leo greeted "Hi Leon!" You replied cheerily "I'm surprised Donnie and Raph aren't here yet." You stated. "Well Raph is making popcorn, he's almost done though, and honestly 'Tello is probably cooped up in his lab again hyper- hyperfox-" Leo said stumbling over the last word "Hyper-fixating?" Mikey finished for him. "Yeah, that" Leo said "I can go get him." You offered "Oh, sure, thank you Y/N" Leo replied and with that you made your way to the lab. Opening the door you shouted a quick "Donnie! Come on it's movie night!" You heard a bump and an "Oww! Jeez!" And looked to your right to see the softshell rubbing his head, he clearly bumped his head. "You could have just shot me a text y'know!" He spat "Sorry Don, it's movie night, if I didn't come and get you who knows when you'd leave?" "Sigh, fair enough, alright I'm coming." He said a little annoyed

Both POV's:

Raph was sitting on the couch waiting for you and Donnie to return. He couldn't help but fidget a little in anticipation and nervousness. You were making your way to the living room Donatello trailing behind you, your heart beat quickening with every step. Finally you reached your destination, and noticed an empty spot next to Raph, and Leonardo, you were about to sit next to Leo as you were a bit embarrassed to sit next to Raph, but then Leonardo looked at Donnie and gestured him to sit. You then looked back at Raphael seemingly lost in his thoughts. 'Well it's now or never, I don't have much of a choice.' You thought making your way to Raph.

He didn't seem to notice when you took a seat just inches away from him. "Hey Raph" you smile. Raph looks over almost losing his shit. There you were, his crush, sitting right next to him your shoulders almost touching his. "Uhm- h-hi Y/N!" He stammered trying desperately to calm down, he could feel his face growing pinker by the second.

He looked at Leonardo, and saw his signature smirk as the red slider gave him a thumbs up. 'Oh I'm gonna kill you Leo...' Raph thought. "Are we going to just sit here or are we gonna watch some Jupiter Jim?" Mikey questioned growing impatient. And soon enough the lights were off and the movie was playing.

The both of you hardly said a word the first 15 minutes in, both a bit too embarrassed to say anything. Finally Raphael decided to break the silence, swallowing down his embarrassment and whispered "You look nice by the way." Unable to meet your gaze, you blushed a little at the compliment and replied "Thank you" You had decided to dress a little nicer, wearing a cute sleeveless gray turtle neck and a little black skirt. Completed with ruby earrings and a silver necklace. The snapper couldn't help but stare at the ruby earrings blushing at his color fitted perfectly in your ears. "You look nice too by the way" you stammered a bit. He giggled at the statement "I always look like this Y/N!" Finally looking into your eyes as he saw you giggle as well. He smiled, he loved your laugh, your smile, your whole personality. 'It's time' he thought.

"Listen Y/N there's something I have to get off my chest." He said quietly. It was a little hard to hear over the shitty laser beams and dialog but you were still able to hear his words. "I-" "I-" he stammered, growling in frustration. You couldn't help but finish for him "I r-really like you R-Raphael!" You said much louder than you wanted to. He was taken aback, you confessed first. You liked him? A six foot tall turtle mutant. Then without warning you kissed his cheek, causing him to freeze in place, he couldn't move. You couldn't believe you just kissed him. Both of your faces were as red as Raph's mask, as his brothers just stared on. You hadn't realized they heard what you said or saw what you just did. Mikey was gasping, stars in his eyes, Leonardo was a bit shocked but still, even that couldn't wipe that smirk off his face. Donatello was extremely surprised, his normally bored expression completely vanished, replaced with pure astonishment as he couldn't help but say "Did I miss something?" Jaw still hanging.

Raphael finally replied choking on happiness, embarrassment, relief, love, so many emotions he couldn't name "I l-like- you to-too Y/N" After a while the top of you finally loosened up, the weights lifted from your chests as you both relished the fact that you too were crushing on one another. Raph held you close throughout the rest of the movie and you laid your head on his plastron, his heartbeat and slow breathing soothing you.

Leonardo wouldn't stop teasing Raph for the next week about the event, whereas Mikey voiced his happiness and praise. Donatello was still shocked, but happy for his brother nevertheless. He was so happy, and so glad that he could now call you his, and you were equally as happy as your friendship blossomed into something much more. Love.

Authors note:

This one was rather short, but I absolutely have a sweet spot for fluff! ^^ I just haaad to write a story about Y/N and Raph admitting feelings. Hopefully it was fun to read, it was so much fun and so sweet to write. I will be making a part two to this! So stay tuned! As always cya next time loves! :)

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