Desire 🍋❤️ Rise x Female!Reader

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(For context, this is a part two of "Dream a little dream with me" that I wrote a little while back.)

Enjoy <3

"Are you sure bud? We don't mind staying back." Leonardo asked shifting his weight from leg to leg.

"No it's alright, I'll catch up. I just wanted to stay out a little longer." Raphael assured him with a hand on his shoulder.

Mikey and Leonardo exchanged slightly worried glances, this wasn't like Raph at all.

Donatello simply prepared his jet pack to begin flying back.

"Well, okay then, we'll see you later." Leonardo said, drawing a circle into the air to create a portal back home. He turned his attention to Mikey and Donnie.

"You guys coming? It's the fastest way back."

"And land flat on my face? No thanks, I got my jet pack." Donatello said with a raised brow.

"Mikey?" Leonardo prompted.

"Nah, I'm gonna go with Dee this time. See you in a bit Leo, be safe Raph." The box turtle replied, stepping back and hopping onto Donatello's jet pack.

* * *

Soon the three turtles left the snapping turtle alone to his thoughts, hopefully now he could deal with his issue.

All throughout the day Raphael couldn't get you out of his head. Your gorgeous body stuck in his brain unable to escape.

He had hoped a little fresh air would help, he had stayed out late on patrol in order to clear his mind.

Cars whisped past on the streets below him, the city ambience relaxing him.

He sighed as he sat down on one of the rooftops. The lights always looked gorgeous at night, even now at 4am, the city refused to sleep.

He took you here a few times before midnight. The way the lights glittered in your E/C eyes, it was heart-stopping. You were heart-stopping.

A flash of red light beamed from the cars below, and he was suddenly back in the bedroom, back with you.

You eyeing him hungrily in your perfect red dress, wanting nothing more than to feel Raphael around you, for him to embrace you.

To breathe in his essence and everything he was, to become one with him.

The wind seemed to whisper your perfect moans back into his tympanum, seeping into his mind.

The ghost of your skin still soft in his scaled calloused hands, he could almost feel its silkiness and warmth.

"UGHH!!" He shouted, shaking his daydream away.

"Why can't I stop thinking about her! I don't know if she even wants that!" He shouted into the starless sky, only a small breeze responded to his cries of frustration.

He buried his face in his palms, how could he ever get the courage to ask you? What if he scared you away?

He let out a long sigh, yelling out wasn't going to fix anything.

Just then, his phone started ringing, startled he almost fumbled it as he tried to see who it was.

His eyes widened in surprise as it was you who was calling him. Your ears must have been burning.

"H-Hello? Sweetheart, you okay?" Raphael answered stuttering with worry. You never called him this late.

"Raphie... Hi I'm sorry it's so late I just... I- I miss you. I wanted to ask if you weren't busy maybe... you wanted to come over?" You asked, in that signature honey-coated voice.

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