Happy 21st! 💙🍋Rise x Female!Reader

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CW: Alcohol usage

Enjoy ^^

Mikey beamed as he revealed his day's work.

It was a beautiful strawberry cake. Loops of vanilla buttercream icing decorated the edges, similar to that of lace, as gradients of pink, purple, and blue, covered the base. It looks absolutely extraordinary, he certainly outdid himself.

"Oh my gosh Mikey! Thank you! This looks amazing!" You gasped marveling at the gorgeous display before you.

He smiled in response and then looked at his siblings and father in the room. He held up one hand and signaled, 'three... two... one...'

They all began singing 'Happy birthday'.

"Haaaaaaappy birthday to youuuu!!!" All four turtles sang, even Donatello joined in.

You took a deep breath, making a wish, and blew. The small flames flickered and went out, leaving only a small trail of smoke in their wake.

The room was filled with whoops and applause, as you gave an enormous grin. Your boyfriend Leo smiled and gave you a warm hug.

"Whatcha wish for?" He whispered in your ear.

You took a very small dollop of icing on your index finger, and booped his snout. "You know I can't tell you that goober!" You giggled as he flinched back, not expecting the action.

"You're so lucky Mikey made this cake, or else your face would be in it." He chuckled.

"And you'd be cleaning up." You laughed.

"Well, I suggest we eat this fine confectionery, before Leo decides otherwise." Donatello suggested with a small grin.

* * *

You were all full from cake, and Splinter had already went to bed. Leaving you, the four turtles, and April on the couch talking away, but the night was far from done.

"Well to celebrate the occasion, now that you're legally able to, I may or may not have bought a little something something." Leo announced, revealing a bottle of Tequila.

"And I have the perfect game to play, 'Never Have I Ever.' Whoever loses has to sip half their drink."

This sounded fun. "Heck yeah!" You beamed, this was going to be great!

"I'm down for a good time, Donnie you in?" April asked eyeing the soft-shell.

The soft-shell sighed and replied, "I suppose I agree to these terms, however you are going to lose, brother."

"Pshh says the light-weight." Leonardo joked.

"H-hey! I am not-" Donnie began only to be cut off by a smaller voice.

"I'll join."

Everyone turned their heads to see that it was Mikey.

"Wow! You sure bud?" Leo asked, cracking a smile.

The box turtle nodded.

Leo struck a pose, "Now things are getting interesting!" "You wanna join in big bro?"

The alligator snapping turtle huffed. "No thanks I'm good, gotta keep an eye on you bozos so you don't do anything stupid."

"Welp guess it's us four, and the wonderful birthday girl of course." He winked at you, making you blush slightly.

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