Sheltered 🍋💜 Rise x Female!Reader

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Request made by: anonymous
      Thank you so much for the request!
Enjoy <3

You were sheltered as a child, to say the least. Your parents never discussed anything in regards to 'the birds and the bees'. Hell, you didn't even know what sex was until maybe 16, and even then it was just a basic idea of it. You were too afraid to ask them, too afraid to ask anyone really.

That was until you met Donnie. He made life so much more fun. He always made you feel comfortable, and safe. It was only a few hours ago that you popped the question, or rather explained your situation. He was over the moon! Not only had you never experienced an orgasm, but you wanted him to give you one. It took the turtle a little while to come up with a plan, just what should he do tonight?

Ohh... then he remembered something he had been saving. Just a little something special for when you felt comfortable enough to ask. He then left you in his swivel chair, puzzled what was he doing? The soft-shell grinned as he opened one of the drawers in his lab, shuffling papers and loose mechanical parts around.

You leaned over to try and get a peek, however the angle you were at prevented you from seeing anything other than Donnie's shell. Well... that, and his adorable little tail swishing back and forth. Awwwwwww! You suppressed a giggle at the sight.

"Ah... Found it." He smirked, pulling out a small silk bag with an object inside. He walked back over to you, slowly pulling out the item. It was small and cylindrical, a sleek black color. It had what looked to be a button on the side, with gold trim around it.

"What is that?" You asked, furrowing your brows in confusion.

"This is a vibrating bullet, it will make you feel really nice. I made it myself..." The soft-shell replied smoothly.

You bit your lip as your mind began to run wild. Embarrassment, nervousness, curiosity, excitement, so many emotions flooded your brain.

Donnie must have noticed your fidgeting as he glanced at you and whispered "Hey, it's okay, there's nothing to be embarrassed or nervous about. If you feel uncomfortable or want to stop at any time we can."

He placed a hand on your shoulder finishing with a "And I do mean any time, your comfort and satisfaction is my top priority."

You raised your head to meet his gaze and said a small "Thank you."

He gave a small smile in response, "Shall we begin~?" He purred.

You bit your lip again, just what was in store for you tonight?

* * *

It all began with a kiss... Donatello of course has kissed you before, but this was wayyy different. It was deep, passionate, glimmers of lust laced within. He slipped a hand up your shirt and groped your left breast. You peeped and jerked in surprise as you felt a jolt of... something, travel down your body in-between your legs.

He chuckled pulling away from you, "I have a better idea." He grabbed your hand and guided you out of the lab. You felt confused again, but a bit too dazed to give it much thought. He brought you into his bedroom, turned around, and locked the door. No one was going to bother him right now.

You both made you way to the bed, making out, or rather Donnie dominating your mouth. His tongue swirled against yours, how could just your mouth be so sensitive? You airily moaned into the kiss, wow... how was he so good at this?

He pulled away again, leaving you gasping for air. He went for your breast again, this time pinching your nipple. "Nnnn!" He drove the first loud noise out of you. Smiling he said "The nipples have hundreds of nerve-endings, rendering them very sensitive." "Can we take this off?" Signaling to your shirt and bra.

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