Sleepless 💜🪶💔 Rise x Gender!Neutral Reader

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CW: Death/Isolation

Sorry it's a bit of a sad one...
     Inspired by:missl0ttie's oneshot "his relief"

                                  Enjoy <3

'Enough was enough' the phrase echoed throughout your mind. It had been over a week since you heard anything from Donatello or even about him.

You jumped down off the final rung to the sewer's entrance, and walked towards the lair.

You had sent text after text, even called a few times to no answer.

You were worried, and honestly, a little pissed. You were his partner! What could be so damn important to not even send a '"Hey Y/N! Btw I'm still alive in case you're wondering"'

Your mind raced and your pace quickened to a run. What if he's hurt? What if they were all ambushed somehow?

You took several turns until you saw a light up ahead.

'Well the lights are on, so that's good at least.' You thought, but you realized it was quiet... too quiet. Normally you could hear some shouting or laughter when you were this close to the entrance.

You stepped in and it was a ghost town. Your heart stopped, and a chill ran down your spine.

What was a usually lively and bright home, was now eerily silent. Not even the projector could be heard.

"H-Hello?" "Anyone?" Your voice echoed due to the lack of any other noise.

You were just about to pull out your phone to call one of the brothers, but two arms pulled you back.

"Y/N!!" A voice exclaimed from behind you.

"AAAAHH!!!" You screamed, without thinking you swung your fist back and socked the figure straight in the nose- or...beak?

"GAH! OWWW!! What the hell?" The figure let go of you to cover his snout.

You turned around realizing it was Leonardo.

"Leo? You scared the piss out of me!!" You shouted, clutched your chest in an effort to calm your racing heart.

Leo groaned as he removed his hand, luckily it came back clean.

"I was just trying to be nice! Damn, you got to hit the face-man?" He groaned frowning at you.

"It's been like two weeks since we've seen you so-"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." You blurted.

"I just... I was scared, I haven't heard anything from you guys or..." you trailed off.

Leo nodded and finished your sentence. "This is about Don right?"

You nodded, and you frowned. "He hasn't texted or called me in over a week. Just leaves me on read."

"Geez... It's worse than I thought..." He mumbled.

Your gaze met his, and he realized he had spoken aloud.

"Oh, uhm... well... okay, he claims he's working on something really important but won't explain it. I've tried to get him to come out of the lab-room but he's barely left at all for days. I was actually going to shoot you a text when everyone got back home but to see if you could come and help, he isn't listening to any of us."

You nodded, still frowning. How could he so easily toss you aside for some tech? Then, you balled up your fists.

"Oh he's coming out all right." You muttered, as you stomped towards the door.

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