Liv4Brutality x !Enby Reader

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(Author's Note: Requested by Bestie Jake. Prompt: "As you wish.")

Every time I get to spend quality time with my girlfriends, we take turns picking movies to watch. Usually, Rhea and Liv like to pick horror movies. Last time was Liv's turn to pick, and she wanted Final Destination. I hate those movies with a passion because I get nightmares every time I watch one from that collection.

Sure enough, I did. I haven't slept well since, so I'm gonna put on a different movie to give me a distraction. I was going through my streaming channels until I came across The Princess Bride. "They have Princess Bride! I loved that movie growing up."

"I've never seen it before." Rhea commented, which earned an offended gasp from me. "What?"

"Bubs!" I shouted for Liv to hear.

"Yes, my love?" Liv called from the kitchen.

"Demi has never seen Princess Bride!" I heard a similar gasp from Liv.

"Put that shit on! We are culturing our girlfriend!" Liv came in with a bowl of popcorn. "Ah fuck, I forgot my phone in the kitchen." Liv hurried to get her phone before the movie started. She ran back in the living room and sat beside me. Now I'm between my partners, and I can get all the cuddles I want!


I'm known to make references from shows and movies within my daily life. Part of it is to have fun and to amuse myself. The other part is to see if my girfriends will join in with me.

Today, Rhea and Liv had the day off, but I had to work. I'm not a wrestler, so my schedule isn't the same as their's.

After a particularly rough day at work, I wanted some alone time. If I didn't get it, I would snap at anyone who tried to talk to me, including my partners. So, I walked in the door and ignored them, going straight to my gaming room.

After a few hours of gaming, I heard someone come in with dinner. They sat the plate down. "Get out, or I'll call the brute squad."

"I am the brute squad." I chuckled when I heard Rhea's response.

"That you are." I paused my game and turned my attention to Rhea. Liv is standing in the doorway.

"What's going on, love? You usually say hi to us. Instead, you came home, ignored us, and hid in here." I sighed and ran my hands over my face.

Taking a deep breath, i told Rhea whats got me so upset. "I had a terrible day. My boss kept yelling at everyone because the regional and district manager was supposed to come in today. I also got wrote up for no reason. Everyone got written up because my boss got yelled at. To make it worse, my boss deadnamed me and used the wrong pronouns because he didn't want to confuse the corporate people. I shit you not, I'm going out on my day off to look for another job because this is getting to be too much."

Liv walked over and gently grabbed my hands. "Stand up, babe." I did as she said and smiled as she gave me a forehead kiss. "I'm sorry you had a rough day. Eat your dinner we made you. After that, we'll go out to the living room and cuddle. We can even put on some music, ok?"

"As you wish." I grabbed the plate and took it to the kitchen table. I ate with Liv and Rhea before going to the couch with them. "Bubs, can you get a blanket for us?"

"As you wish." She replied to me. She left a kiss on my cheek before fetching a throw blanket for us.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "Still feeling stressed?" Rhea asked me.

"Yeah, a little bit, but I'm fine." My Australian partner nodded before grabbing me and using the Riptide to slam me onto the couch. "Oh jeez!" She climbed onto the couch and lied down on top of me. "Well that was fun."

I heard Liv gasp as she came into the living room. "Cuddle puddle!" She ran over and hopped on top of Rhea. We both grunted from the impact.

"This is a painful cuddle puddle." Rhea said because she had taken most of the impact.

"If anything, I'd call this a cuddle splash. Eh? Eh?" They laughed at my bad joke and got off of me. Finally, I can breathe!

We set up so I have all the support I can get. Rhea is against the corner of the couch. I sat so my back was against her chest, and her legs are straddling me. Liv sat against me in the same way. I smiled and sighed as I closed my eyes and relaxed while snuggling with my amazing partners. "Feeling any better?" Liv asked.

"Yes, I'm loving this sandwich you've made out of us."

Rhea chuckled and left a kiss on my cheek. This earned a blush from me. "You're adorable, love. Never change."

"Yeah, we love you, baby." She kissed the back of my hand. We put on old matches to watch, which was fucking amazing.

As we watched different videos, I felt Liv rub small circles onto my wrists. Rhea's hands had found their way under my shirt. She was doing the same thing as Liv. Rubbing small comforting circles onto my skin. I sighed with contentment and snuggled closer to Rhea, and held onto Liv tighter. Not unlike the way a child cuddles with a teddy bear.

"Darling?" I said to get Rhea's attention.

"Yes, love?" She noticed how I'm beginning to get tired. "You wanna go to bed?" I nodded in response. We shut the TV off and went to our shared bedroom.

We did our separate bedtime routines as per usual. "Darling!" I called for Rhea.

Liv and Rhea came in at the same time. "Yes, love?"

"You know what would really make me happy? If you hit me with the Riptide!" Rhea and Liv laughed since they know how happy I get when I have them use their finishers on me.

"As you wish." She came over and used the Riptide on me, slamming me into the bed. I laughed out of pure joy and watched as Liv used the obLIVion to pull Rhea into bed. "You're lucky I love you both."

"We love you too!" Liv and I said at the same time.

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