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The dreams were getting way out of hand. It had felt so real. I could've sworn it was. I sighed and stared out the window. I felt like Juliet almost, except I hadn't stabbed myself. I wished I had. I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and glared at some kid. A boy, around my age. "What do you want?" I asked annoyed. "I'm roomed with a girl? Great..." he muttered. The fire in my eyes flared. "I don't have nor want a roommate!" I growled. I went to shut the door but he stopped it with his foot. He pushed passed me and sat on his bed. I glared at him. "I don't like it any better than you do!" He glared at me. I had to admit he was a little cute. He kept checking me out. "At least I'm paired with a girl like you," he muttered. I looked at him offended. "What the hell's that supposed to mean jerk?!" I asked. "Never mind..." he muttered. "What's your story anyways? Kids have been acting weird since I said you were my roommate," he said. "Tell me yours first,". He shifted and looked at me annoyed. He went on to tell me about how he was a werewolf who'd accidentally killed an entire family when he wolfed out. Therefor he was sent here. "Your turn," he said excitedly. "My story of how I got here or my story what happened when I got here?" I asked. "When you got here," he said. "I fell in love with someone I wasn't supposed to," I said quietly. "You were banging a teacher?" He asked. I looked at him quickly. "Yes- well no- kind of? She wasn't really a teacher," I explained. "She? So you're gay?" He asked. "Bi- but that's not the point! I didn't talk through your story did I?!" I asked annoyed. "Well I fell in love with her. And she fell in love with me. No one knew about us except for- for her," I said her name with hatred. "Who?" He asked. "Marylin Thornhill, or more commonly known as Laurel Gates," I responded. "Oh. The redhead? I've heard of her," he said. "I figured it out real quick. She threatened her life so I had to stay quiet. But we got in a fight. And Wednesday. Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday. She had this obsession with figuring out who the Hyde was. And she got her involved," I explained. "Ok I'm gonna stop you right there- who is her?" He asked. "Larissa," I chocked out. Her name was so foreign. I hadn't said in a long time. And when I did I wouldn't say it for a while after that. "Weems? The headmistress? You are banging the headmistress?!" He asked amused. "SHUT UP AND LET ME FINSIH!" I screamed. I had only been telling him cause he told me his. But now I was regretting it. And then I realized something. He said 'You are banging the headmistress'. He thinks she's still alive doesn't he? "Wednesday got her involved with something," he said, wanting me to carry on. "She- um. She was killed," I sighed. His eyes widened and filled with instant regret. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that..." he muttered. "You didn't know..." I responded. "Then what?" He asked. "I had to bury her. She's underneath the cherry blossom. Her favorite place in this school," I explained. There was something about him that made me wanna kill him. But I couldn't tell what. "You said you've heard of Marylin. How?" I asked. "She- umm. Idk. Rumors," he stuttered. "You know her don't you?" I asked. He sighed. "Kind of- I guess," he said. "How?" "She was a friend..." he muttered. I gasped. "You dated her!" I shouted. "That didn't take long to come out," he said shyly. "Ew gross!" I said. "I hate this," I said. "Same," he replied. I left him and walked to the cherry blossom tree. I stayed there for another few days. Again, someone left me food while I slept. I pretended to sleep and saw someone emerge from the shadows. They were in a black cloak which shadowed their face. It was a girl. I could tell by the figure. She had pale skin and deep red nails. She knelt down and placed a sandwich next to me. I grabbed her arm and stood up. She didn't say anything but gasped and jumped backwards. "Who are you?" I asked. She didn't respond but tried to make me let go of her arm. "Please tell me!" I begged. She shook her head. I let go and she ran towards the woods. I ran after her but quietly. She never removed her cloak. She came upon a small cabin, which she entered, me following close behind. She sighed. I stepped on a creaky floor board and ducked behind the couch. She gasped and turned around, her hood falling off. My eyes widened. Marylin. Marylin Thornhill stood in the middle of the room looking where I had been.

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