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We walked into the store, browsing all the items. It was a rather old shop, an antique store. I was enjoying myself until he walked in. My eyes widened. Micheal McCrory. He was my ex. He was very abusive. I tried to hide behind a shelf and find Larissa. "Issa," I said, tapping her shoulder. "One moment, darling," she said. She was taking with the store owner. "Issa!" I said a bit louder. "Y/n. I am busy," she snapped. "Larissa. I want to go!" I said told her sternly. "Will you give me a minute?!" She growled. I scoffed and turned around, heading away from her. Big mistake. "Y/n?!" Asked a voice. Shit. "Micheal," I said bitterly. He smirked and dragged me down the hall. "Let go of me!" I growled. "Don't tell me you didn't miss me?" He asked with fake sadness. "Let. Me. Go!" I shouted. "You love me. I can't do that. Especially not after you ran off," he chuckled darkly, slowly lifting up my skirt's uniform. "Stop!" I screamed. He put his hand over my mouth, pinning me against the wall. Tears formed in my eyes and I tried to escape. "Please!" I let out a muffled cry. He kissed me roughly, his hand lifting up my skirt all the way. I bit his tongue and shoved him away. I ran out in the open just as he grabbed me and led me out of the store. "LARISSA!" I screamed. "LARIS-" he put his hand over my mouth again. "Shut up you little bitch!" He growled. Luckily, Larissa was at the front door. She stepped in front of him. "Let. Her. Go," she said, her eyes darkening. "Step out of the way. This is my girlfriend!" He lied. "Nice try. But she's a student of mine," she informed him. "I'm her principal and came here with her. She's not aloud out of my sight. She's a flight risk you see. Now let her go," she commanded, her hand fidgeting with something in her pocket. My knife. She probably still had it. He scoffed. "Very funny. Now get out of my way!" He growled. Her eyes turned red. Literally. A glowing red. Wether she shape-shifted to do that or she didn't realize it was happening, I don't know. But she was not happy. Micheal's eyes widened and he shoved me aside. "Ok! Sheesh. We'll catch up later? Wont we baby?" He got close to me. "Screw off!" I shouted shoving him away, tears still streaming down my face. "Are you ok?" She asked, her eyes returning to their normal blue. "I told you I wanted to leave!" I glared at her. "I didn't realize. I'm sorry," she said softly, putting a strand of hair behind my ear. I hugged her, allowing her to wrap her arms around me. "Issa...?" I muttered. "Yes, darling?" She asked. "I wanna go back to Nevermore," I said, looking up at her. "Of course," she drove me back to the school and led me to her dorm. She sat down on the bed and I sat next to her. "Thank you," I whispered. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back, my eyes trailing down to her lips. She took the hint and kissed me. In one swift movement, I was sitting on her lap, the kiss never breaking. She then began to trail the kissed down my neck before someone knocked on the door. "Larissa!" Came a soft voice. She ignored it and kissed my lips again. "Larissa! It's important!" The voice came again. She groaned and rolled her eyes. I sighed and got off her. "Yes?" She asked, opening the door. A woman I didn't recognize stepped in. "I heard you were alive and I just had to see you," she said, stepping closer to her. I was hiding under the bed as usual. "Corianna," she greeted coldly. "I've missed you," she said, leaning in for a kiss while Larissa stepped back. "Look, Anna, we haven't seen each other in years. I've move on. I'm sorry, ok," Larissa said, guiding her towards the door. "I was afraid you'd say that. So I came prepared. I know you never really loved me. However, you couldn't bring yourself to leave me. Correct?" Corianna asked. "Correct..." Larissa muttered. "So... I've decided to do what I did back then!" Corianna said excitedly, pulling out a syringe, instantly injecting Larissa with it. "You love me. You love me so much that you always want to be around me. Right?" Corianna asked. Larissa fell to the ground in pain. I wanted to get out from under the bed, but she gave me a warning look. "Right?" Corianna demanded. "I- I don't love- y-you," Larissa said weakly. "You will soon enough. Two of these a day and we'll be inseparable!" She laughed. Larissa's eyes struggled to stay open, and eventually she passed out. "Issa..." I whispered. Corianna injected her with another syringe and moved her onto the bed. "Wake up," Corianna said softly. "Darling? Wake up!" Her voice was more commanding now. I heard the sheets shuffle around as Larissa awoke. "Good. Now don't you love me?" "Of course," Larissa replied. My eyes filled with tears. This wasn't right. Something was in that syringe. As soon as Corianna left I got out from under the bed. "Issa? What was that?" I asked. "Y/n. I'm sorry- I- I- don't l-love you anymore," she struggled to say it. "You're lying. You don't mean that," I said sitting next to her. I kissed her cheek and she shoved me away. "Please snap out of it!" I begged. "You have to get to class. Go on," she ushered me out of the room and locked the door behind me. Oh my god...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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