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I awoke in a room that I didn't recognize. Oh right. Never mind. I knew this place. Larissa's dorm. She was already awake, reading a book. I smiled at her. "Larissa?" "Hmm?" "I think I'm in love," I smiled at her. "I believe I am as well," she replied, smiling at me. "Whatcha reading?" "The Perfect Marriage," she replied. "What's it about?" "A man is accused of murdering his mistress and he's wife, who's also his lawyer, has to defend him," she said. She then closed the book and set it on the nightstand. Next to a paper signed, Jacob. "Did you just finish that?" I asked laughing. "Yes," "Who killed her?"


"His wife did apparently. I don't quite blame her... although she had killed her mother as well... And she was sleeping with her coworker who was also her rival... and he was the mistress's ex husbands brother... it was very complicated," she tried to explain it.


"Sounds interesting," I rested my head on her shoulder and moved closer to her. She smiled and wrapped her arm around me. She kissed my cheek and got out of bed. "Umm, no," I said. She laughed a bit before giving me an apologetic look. "Please! Please please please! You still owe me for half of the year that you made me think you were dead!" I blurt out. "That's not fair," she said, regret filling her eyes. But she still laid back down next to me. "Larissa?" I asked. "Hmm?" "Who was Jacob?" I muttered. She turned to me. "That's not important," she said quickly. "It seems like it is," "Y/n. It's not," "Yeah... buuut-" "I said it's not!" She shouted. She took a deep breath. "How have you even heard about Jacob?" She asked. "You talk in your sleep..." I muttered. "It's nothing important, ok?" She asked. "Is it someone else...?" I asked, my voice going quiet. "What? No- no of course not," she said, wrapping me in her arms. "Jacob was someone from when I went to school. That's all you have to know," she said, kissing my hair.

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