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As much as I hated it, I continued to listen to her voice. "You're not even listening are you?" She asked. "I'm listening. Continue about how- wait... WHAT?!" I shot straight up. "What?" She asked, urgently. "It's already 7?!?!?!" I looked at her. She nodded slowly. I grabbed my bag and ran towards the piano room. There where I usually met Mrs. Hollis- or Larissa I guess- for piano lessons on Fridays. I sat at the bench and waited for her. It came to about 7:30, no sign of her. I sighed and sat down on the couch in the corner of the room. Eventually the door opened. I glared at Larissa but she didn't notice me. She smiled sadly and ran her hands across the piano keys. I looked at her confused, but stayed quiet.

Larissa's POV

I smiled lightly at the piano. It had been so long since me and Y/N had a lesson- when I was Larissa that is. What had I done? I had allowed Marylin back in the school and hadn't even realized it, causing the death of so many students. I had lost Y/N once more. I wiped away a tear from my cheek and sat on the bench, waiting for her. Lessons has been moved to 8, considering it was a new year, so I only had to wait a few minutes. "You're late," said a voice. I turned to the corner quickly. "Actually... you're early," I said. Y/N. "Lessons start a 7," she said coldly. "It's a new year. 8," I explained. She rolled her eyes and sat next to me, as far as possible that is. It was a normal lesson, her messing up occasionally and then cussing at herself, then me getting annoyed with her for cussing. She glared at the piano. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "Why do you care," she growled in response. "Because I still love you, weather you annoy me or not," I said, resting my hand on hers. "Kiss me," she said. I looked at her, confused on the sudden mood change. "Look, I have had a very stressful day ok?!" She muttered. "Would you rather talk about it?" I asked. "Yes," she sighed. "Ok. Go on," she proceeded to tell me about her day, which didn't seem too bad. Except for the hanging out with a serial killer part. "I thought you hated me," she whispered. "That was the worst part of all of these days,". "Hate you? I could never hate you," I looked at her, partially offended. "Yeah.... Well it felt like it," she sighed. "Y/N. Students died. I love you, but I can't just drop everything for you. I would if I could but- it's just...." I sighed as my thoughts trailed off. "I know. You think this is only hard for you?!" Y/N asked. "I never said that," "You're acting like it! Marylin was right," she muttered, picking up her backpack. "About what?" I hated that she was around Marylin. "It doesn't matter," she said. I'd turn her in if I could but because she has powers now so it'll be harder to, especially if those powers can change her looks and DNA. "You realize you're working with a murderer? Right? You know that, right?" I asked her. "She drops everything for me. I drop everything for her. I've dropped everything for you and yet being the principal is still so important that you let the people closest to you drift away!" She screamed. "You are unbelievable," I told her. "And you know what?! If she wanted me to I'd kill students. Because she would do it for me!" She shouted. I went silent. I couldn't think of what to say. "Why are you looking at me like that? Like I'm dangerous?" She demanded. "I'm sorry- but... you're a danger to this school... to the students. You- you need to either get help or leave," I told her. "Why?" "Why? Why?! Because you just threatened students' lives. It's your choice but either way- I'm sorry- I love you- I do- but- I'm sorry," I said. There was no easy way to do it. "You're breaking up with me...?" She asked. I sighed. "Because I'm willing to please Marylin? Thats fucked up, Larissa," she told me. "You threatened lives Y/N! That's what fucked up! Now leave this classroom. And if you don't want to go to therapy- leave this school!" I shouted. She scoffed. "I'm not getting therapy," she said, walking out of the room.

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