(7) Third Round

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"I don't want to continue that damned game! Jun ho should be avoided.
"What do you mean?" It's your fault; you started this game! "We have to finish this game so we can go home!"
"Don't you understand?" I almost froze to the point of wanting to die! "I don't want to die because of this ridiculous game," replied Jun Ho.

They fought with each other because Jun Ho did not want to continue the game; he was afraid that something bad would happen again. However, things will never stop before the game is over.

"None of this will happen if you believe what I'm saying; you're too stupid to understand Jun Ho. It's up to you whether you want to continue the game or not, but now that it's my turn, I'll still play my turn so I can win."


"What did your cards say?" Ask Junho.
"The lost will help you," Jaemin replied.

They were confused by Jaemin's card writing, but a few moments later someone knocked on their door.

"Is there someone in this house?" Questions from someone they didn't know shocked and worried Jun Ho and Jaemin.Someone opened the door, and it was an astronaut.

"Who are you!?" Jaemin snapped
"Wow, calm down, guys. I'm an astronaut; you're the one who called me, and I'll help you any way I can." "I'm still human," answered the astronaut.
"Why are you here?" Ask Junho
"Well, I used to be like you, but I couldn't finish the game, and I was stuck here and became an astronaut for a long time, so I will help you finish this game."
"Wait, you said earlier you're still human; are there other creatures in Zathura?" Jaemin asked.
"There are the Zargon warriors and their leader, Thannos. "They're greedy giant lizards; they'll take all your belongings to their outer space at any time, but I'm confident we'll be able to handle it together." –Astroaut.

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