(9) Fifth Round

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"Ready?" Ask the astronauts, Jaemin and Jun Ho.
"YES!" They answered simultaneously.
"Okay, because I don't have the right to have a turn in the game, you still have to play this board," Thanos explained.
"Okay, now it's my turn."

Jaemin started turning the key and pressing the start button as the game played. Jaemin shows the number of the card he got; the card shows the number 3.


"What's in it?" asked the astronaut.
"Zargon is waiting for you; destroy it immediately." Jaemin read the sentence on card number 3.

Instantly, the room was filled with light, making them dazzled by what was behind the light. Then there was a very loud roar.

"It's time; it's the sound of zargon." "Hurry and take your respective positions like what we planned earlier!" Astronaut giving directions

The giant lizard started to appear clearly before them.
Jaemin took out a ball of power that, if thrown, would emit deadly fire. This fireball belonged to an astronaut that he had stolen during his resistance against the lizard troops at that time.

"Jun Ho! "You're getting closer to the zargon; catch this ball and toss it at him!"-Jaemin
Jun Ho managed to catch it well, and soon he threw it straight at the zargon with all his might.
"Aim at the eyes fast!" -Astronaut
Junho nodded in understanding.
"Taste this zargon, hiyaaaa!"
Right on target, Jun Ho managed to throw the fireball into the zargon's eyes.

AAARGHHHH (pain zargon)
"Okay, now it's my turn," said the astronaut.
When Zargon is in pain, the astronaut sprinkles ashes around him.
If the zargon steps on the sparks, it will feel like stepping on hot coals.And the body parts of Zargon that are exposed to the burning coals will melt into ashes.

"Jaemin! "Throw another fireball towards his stomach!" Jun Ho begged.
"Okay, I'm sure you will feel much more pain, Zargon! Feel this! HIYAAAAA" Jaemin threw a fireball hard at Zargon's stomach.

Zargon's body began to limp; he had lost the strength that was in him because Jaemin and Jun Ho hit the fireball directly at his weakness. Zargon was still wandering aimlessly through the ashes that surrounded him.But the result was nil; instead of getting out, all parts of his body hit the ashes, which caused the embers to burn hot.

Not long after the embers disappeared, it was seen that in the middle of the circle there was a collection of ashes. The ashes were Zargon's charred body.

"WE DID IT!" exclaimed Jaemin and Jun Ho.
Finally, they managed to beat the giant lizard named Zargon with their cunning.

"We don't know what will happen now that we've taken Zargon's ashes.""At the very least, we have power from these ashes," the astronaut says.
"Oh, that's right, I remember reading this information in my comic series." We have to collect the ashes immediately. "Because these ashes will turn into deadly dust if sprayed on the opponent."

When they were collecting the ashes from the zargon's body, they were startled by a loud sound that was more terrible than the sound of the zargon's screams earlier.

"What is that? Why is it so scary?" Jun Ho complained.
"It appears that the king of Zargon is upset with us," said the astronaut.

"Hah! Is he Thanos?" It's really scary, even though I just heard his voice. Jun Ho was scared.
"Shouldn't this game be over?" "Moreover, oh my god," Jaemin added.
"The board game is over, but since we fought Zargon until he was reduced to ashes, we must fight King Thanos in order to return to our world." Obviously astronaut.

They thought the game would end there, but it turns out that the result of them defeating Zargon was inviting Thanos (the king of Zargon). Thanos is fed up with Zargon being destroyed because of creatures like Jun Ho and Jaemin.
With the help of the astronauts and the power from defeating Zargon, they are determined to fight him even with burning fear, especially Jun Ho.

However, it hasn't been a second, and Thanos' spaceship is in sight. The anchor was shot in their house's wall, pulling the entire contents with it, and the Zargon warriors began to leave the plane, followed by their leader, Thanos.Jun Ho and Jae Min just froze in fear, like there was no hope anymore. Then, suddenly, someone pulled them.

"What are you doing!?" Quickly hide!!" Astronaut orders
"We're finished; we can never go home." Jaemin responded with trembling.
"We will go home, I promise; all you have to do is follow my orders," the astronaut tried to reassure Jun Ho and Jaemin with promises he wasn't sure he could keep.

"Do you promise?" Answer: Jun Ho
"I promise, Jun ho, so all you have to do is keep playing.""Where's the board game?"
"In the dining room, near Thanos, the Zargon warriors appear."
"Okay, you guys, stay here; I'll take your board game," ordered the astronaut.

Instead of taking the game calmly, the astronaut screamed loudly and surrendered to Thanos. Apparently, the astronaut sacrificed himself so that Jun Ho and Jaemin could survive.

"You're good enough for a human to defeat one of my warriors, and as a tribute, I'll eat you until there's not even a bone left." "Are there no more humans here?" asked Thanos

"Your soldiers have preyed on my friends; I will not forgive you," replied the astronaut with a lie because he wanted to protect Jun Ho and Jaemin.

"Bring your grudges until you die; I guarantee it will taste better when I eat you, soldier! "Get this human on our ship!"

"Jaemin! "We have to save the astronauts." Jun Ho also wanted to get out of their hiding place and wanted to save the astronaut, but the astronaut only shook his head, indicating he did not agree with Jun Ho's idea of wanting to save him. The astronaut was brought in by the zargon to the starship, and in a second, at the speed of light, Thanos' plane was gone.

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