(10) Sixth Round

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Jun Ho and Jaemin sobbed because they had lost both their life savior and a friend. But the game must continue, and now it's Jun Ho's turn to play.

Just a few more steps, and they will finish the game of zathura. Jun Ho turned the key, sobbing, and he got a 10.


A gold card appears for the first time.

"When a shooting star* appears, make three wishes."

(*Stars: The universe is like a magical time portal that allows us to see into the past. The further we look in the universe, the further back in time we look. In simple terms, this is possible due to the speed of light. When we see objects that are very far away from us, the light from the object we are observing is light from the past, so what we see on the object now is not its current state, but one from some time ago, depending on when the light was emitted. by him)

"This is our chance, Jun Ho, to get home!" Jaemin said
"Okay, for my first wish, please save the astronauts from Thanos!" yelled, hoping that the astronauts would return

Soon after, a black hole* appeared on the side of their house, and the astronaut emerged from it, surviving Thanos.Jun Ho and Jae Min were happy because they could meet the astronauts again.
And for my second wish, I want Thanos' ship and its soldiers to explode.

(*black holes: Black holes are formed by exploding stars.When this happens, a supernova is created, which is a large explosion that creates a strong pull. That's where black holes are born. But when they get older, black holes can evaporate until they shrink on their own.)

Of course, Thanos' plane lost control and collided with a massive asteroid* in space, exploding.

(*asteroids: asteroids are celestial bodies consisting of rock and metal.)

"And lastly, I want this game to be over so we can all go home."

Suddenly, Jaemin and Jun Ho's spacecraft shot towards the finish line of the game, and the ball with a gold Z accent in the middle of the finish line flew up. At the same time, the astronaut's body emitted light and slowly faded away like the Milky Way galaxy*.

(*The Milky Way galaxy: Another name for the Milky Way galaxy is the Milky Way. The Milky Way is a large spiral galaxy. The Milky Way is a disc with a diameter of about 100 thousand light years and a thickness of up to 3 thousand light years. The Milky Way has about 200 to 400 billion stars. However, the largest number that humans can see is only about 2,500.)

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