"I fucked up." - L (2)

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"I fucked up."

I answer "whoa, what?" He says surprised "Niwina- she t-told y/n these m-messed up shitty lies" I say hugging him "that shit. Lo'ak, have you tried to explain?" He asks "y-yes but she j-just told me w-we were over." Neteyam sighs "fuck. What are you gonna do." He thinks for a minute "I'll talk to y/n in the morning, try to sort things out with her and tell you how it goes" he smiles at me "thank you N-Neteyam I don't know w-what I would h-have done without y-you" "before anymore pressure let's get you to calm your breathing" he slightly chuckle as I do too "


"MORNING MF!" Neteyam shouts at me "mmm" I hum annoyed "ima go talk with y/n and while I do that I know you to go and get your mind off y/n" he explains "yep." I say stif "wish me good luck" he says leaving "Bad luck!!" I shout laughing

Neteyam POV-

As I walk out of my family's pod, I see that little shit. I didn't put my attention on her or else it would have gotten worse between Lo'ak and Y/n. As I walk almost everywhere on the Island I can't find where she is.. I start to think.. -she's in the mini forest, that's where her and Lo'ak met- I thought

And there she was, up on the branch's of the beautiful tree. I climb up to see her and she sees me "hey Neteyam," she says coldly "Hi Y/n" I say as I sit next to her "what's wrong?" I ask "I- I don't know Neteyam. I- I just think I- I'm not good enough f- for Lo'ak." She cry's "aww y/n.. why is that?" I ask already knowing what happened but wanting to hear her side of the story.. "well last night was suppose to be me and Lo'ak' date night." "Mhm" I hum in response "a- and I went to to s- see him. Then I saw h- him and Niwian t- together." Man i feel bad for her. But it wasn't her or Lo'ak' fault. "Then I s- snapped. I'm s- sorry Neteyam." She apologises "no no no no, you don't have to apologise, it wasn't your fault." I rub her back to reassure her "It was Niwian's fault." I say "w- what?" She ask's confused. I look down

"Niwian was the one that started this y/n. Not Lo'ak." "What d- do you m- mean?" "he tried getting away from her, but she wouldn't go away. That's when you came she kept kissing him all over." "Oh no what have I done.." she puts her face in her palms "Lo'ak has been miserable without you being around" I look at her "I think the both of you should make up" I smile softly as she smiles too "don't worry Niwian is getting handled by your dad. Keep this between us but I snitched on her" I say jokingly and she giggles "come on, let's go see your boyfriend" I say getting down

Back at the Pod

As me and Y/n walk in we see Lo'ak already waiting for us, Y/n speaks "I'm sorry Lo'ak, I'm sorry I shouldn't have snapped at you, I'm sorry I took things the wrong way with you, I'm sorry I-" she gets cut off by Lo'ak hugging her "It's alright. You had the right. I'm just glad your with me now." He smiles "promise me, you won't leave me like that again." He says pulling away "promise" she kisses him on the cheek.


I'm so damn sorry if this was to damn short 😭 I just didn't have anything else to write but I promise later today I will make another imagine. Just not continuing with this one 😭😭 I KNOW I KNOW ITS SAD. BUT HEY YOU GOT A HAPPY ENDING WITH YOUR MATE

WC- 667

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