"I have feelings for you.." - N

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All credit to i_luv_y0u for giving me the idea <33

Y/n POV-

I've had a MASSIVE crush on Neteyam ever since we were little. For as long as i can remember Neteyam and I have been the best's of friends since we were young. I don't think he has notice yet though, I am willing to tell him some day but it's just that I think he might reject me. Other than that I am gonna tell him how I feel.

As I went to look for Neteyam I see him with another girl?, I didn't think much of it and walk towards him

"Hey y/n!" He notices me "hey Neteyam" I greet back then looking at the girl, she rolls her eyes at me. How fucking rude "what is it?" He asks having his full attention on me "oh uh, can you meet me tomorrow night?" I ask "yeah sure, where?" "Um.." i look at the girl next to him "oh uh, can you please go away?. Just for a minute" he asks softly and she leaves "so?" "At the back of my Marui" I answer "I'll see you there" he smiles. Oh my Eywa that smile makes me melt "yeah" I smile back and leave

Next night

I'm so fucking nervous.. "Hi Y/n!!" Oh shit. "Hey Neteyam" I say playing it cool "so what did you want to tell me?" He asks coming to sit next to me

"Neteyam. I have feelings for you.."

"What do you mean?" He asks confused "I've liked you for a LONG long time and I was wondering if you feel the same?." I confess looking at him. He looks down. "Y/n.. I'm so sorry, but I don't feel the same." He says "no it's fine" I fake a smile and he notices "y/n. Y/n wait!" I start to walk off back inside my pod. I never want to love again.

Neteyam POV-
(Few days later)

It's been a few days since y/n confessed her feelings for me. I feel so bad for rejecting her. Later today I saw with a guy. I don't know why but a pinch of jealousy hit me

"Hey y/n!" I call out getting her attention "sorry we'll hang out tomorrow ok?, promise" "bye y/n!!" The guy said leaving. What a relief "what is it Neteyam" she asks harsh "oh um. Never mind" I scratch the back of my neck "bye then" she leaves.

I feel like I have gotten feelings for her.


Quick question, is eating paper normal or not🤠 ?

WC- 436

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