"Ow.." - L + N = <Y/n3

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CREDIT - kemoraRJ07
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Summary - The Sully boys have fallen in love with the chiefs daughter, Y/n. She doesn't know who to decide so they just made a three sum (🤷‍♀️ boy I don't fucking know)
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Y/n POV-

"I like you Y/n." "Fuck. I do too y/n, i love you too." They both confessed to me. "I-. I don't know what to say boys. I um. I love the both of you." I confessed while looking down playing with my fingers.

Neteyam POV-

We both looked at each other wondering what to do. I then got an idea but I knew Lo'ak might not like it cause of his jealousy issues. I grabbed his arm and whispered "Let's do a three sum," I said, he was shocked, "Doesn't that mean I have to like you too, gross.." he replied "WHAT? No not that three sum, three sum as in we share Y/n." I answered, he then realised and took a deep sigh "fine." He said, I soon let go of his arm and tilt Y/n's face up "Y/n, Darling" I said looking at her with my soft gaze "hm..?" She hummed in answer, "Um, Lo'ak and I have discussed something. And we wanna ask for your approval, listen if you don't accept it's fine you can back up" "What is it?" She asked still looking at me "We-" "we want a three sum, but plot twist me and Neteyam don't like each other, just you my love" she looked shocked but soon enough accepted.

Few years later
(Anyone's pov to be honest)

"You can't leave me.. please."

We look at each other

"We can't leave her Lo." I huff

"It's the only way to protect her Tey."

"We have to Y/n." I hold her chin

She cried and cried.

"T- take care. P- please. D- don't forget m- me."

" we won't my love,, I reassured.

'I don't want to go.'

We gave her one last kiss goodbye. That was the last we saw her.

Few years later
(Y/n POV-)

"please just be my girlfriend!!," another one of the guys asked me, "No sorry I'm already taken." I had been getting bitchs everywhere I went, I mean I know I'm goddamn hot but please don't be coming up to me and saying 'bE mY gIrL'. It's been years since I've seen my loved ones. Neteyam and Lo'ak. I can't afford to forget about them, even though they might have forgotten about me, I'll still stay respectful to them both.

Just then the horn was blown, a horn to signal visitors were here. (Correct me if I'm wrong 😃) I ran to the village to see who it was but of course my older brother, Ao'nung who is now crowned chief, will be there first. I heard him gasp ( 😱) "Is it?.." he said, I needed to get closer to see what the racket was about,

"Yes, it's me. Neteyam" Neteyam..?.. "AND ME DUMBASS- ITS YA BOI LO'AK-" just then he got hit in the head


"shut up, your too loud" "still" Ao'nung chuckled "Where's- Y/n.." Lo'ak spotted me in the crowd "You look beautiful." He said walking towards me as the crowd made space for him to walk.

Lo'ak hugged me right as Neteyam came close "My love," he smiled softly with tears slowly falling out, "hi.." I smiled while I tear-ed up "you look so beautiful my love," Neteyam kissed my forehead, I looked over at Ao'nung and he nodded of approval

Ao'nung never really liked the Sully boys, he thought they were always outcasts and no care in the world for anyone. Until a day he got close with them, making a bond. A friendship.

"It's great to have you back baby" Lo'ak said has he held my waist and kissed me "We missed you so fucking much" Neteyam kissed me "Alright alright hands off my sister you guys!, no touchy shit when I'm around or not around, I got to do stuff so Y/n. Don't get touchy.." Ao'nung left "Man I missed touching you and hearing your angelic voice and your soft snores.." Lo'ak looked at me with a soft gaze and I giggled.

I'm glad their back, I'm happy. I finally have my loves with me..<3

A/n -

I'm gonna start writing like this 😎😎!

WC- 733

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