"I just." - L/N

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CREDIT FOR NETEYAM - Newtmazerunner715264
Summary (for each) - Y/n has been hanging out with other boys and Neteyam/Lo'ak don't like it.
Omatikaya - Y/n


Neteyam POV-

Y/n has been hanging out with boys I didn't know about. I've known y/n since I was 8 and all I'm gonna say is that I was that kind of guy to be jealous even though we are just friends. I didn't like how they flirted with Y/n at all. I had been glaring back and forth at her and the guy she would hang out with, just incase he touched her.

When she was finally done I came up to her "Why are you always hanging out with them." I asked in a snappy way "What?" She asked confused "Them, those boys. Their no good Y/n you deserve better." "Neteyam whatever your saying makes no sense, I'm fine" she tried to walk away "No. Tell me why you hang around with them ALL the TIME!" I stopped her in her tracks "Are you jealous?" She asked "what? No." I said lying "YOU AREE!!" She pointed at me "Fine I am."

After a while of talking with her I decided to confess. "Y/n." I Said "Yes?" She looked at me giving attention

"I just. I like you Y/n. I like like you."

I said running the back of my head "wait really?" She asked shocked "Yes." I blushed a little as she hugged me tightly "I do too!" She said happily. "I've liked you since Uhh. Um. Maybe 10 or 9 years?" She said unsure as I laughed at her confused face "not funny." She nudged me



Lo'ak POV-

"Who are they." I asked Neteyam as he ate a piece of fruit "Who?" He asked with a mouth full "Them" I pointed "Little bro, are you jealous?" "No. I just wanna know." "Lo, you seriously don't know." "No" "THATS ROTXO AND AO'NUNG" he yelled in a whisper "Ohhhh, still. Why the fuck are they with her." I said seriously "I dunno, ask them. I'm gonna go eat something see ya"

I waited for maybe an hour long for Y/n and the boys to stop talking to her, just as she was done I ran up to her "Y/n/n (your nickname)" I yelled out and she turned "Yes?" "Why were you hanging out with them? Hm?" I asked a little bit harsh "Lo'ak their just friends, plus why are you even mad?." She asked looking at me "Y/n." "Go on, tell me what's on your mind Lo. I'm here for you" she smiled softly

"I just- I love you Y/n.

And if you don't like me ba-" just before I could finish my sentence she pulled me in for a kiss "I love you too Lo" she smiled

- - - -


Tell me the truth. Did. You. Or. Did. You. Not. Like. The. Story.

WC- 498

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